Monday, 10 January 2022

2nd Semester of School Year Starts Mainly with Classroom Lessons

ZAGREB, 10 Jan 2022 -  The second semester of the 2021-2022 school year began on Monday in Croatia, with face-to-face classes in most schools, however, online classes are being organized in 24 schools this week in eight out of 20 counties due to current epidemiological developments.

Of those 24 schools, seven are in Zadar County, five in Split-Dalmatia County, and four in Šibenik-Knin County and Vukovar-Srijem County each.

The Buje-based grammar school in the Italian language is organizing mixed-type lessons.

On 7 January, Education Minister Radovan Fuchs said that primary and secondary school students accounted for 8.7% of coronavirus cases and that this was an argument in favor of schools staying open, adding that no county had requested switching to online classes.

Speaking on Croatian Television, he said not even counties with very high COVID numbers had opted for closing schools, adding that the impact of online classes "is very hard" on students.

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Fuchs: Croatia Among Top European Countries for Face to Face Lessons

ZAGREB, 18 June 2021 - Science and Education Minister Radovan Fuchs said on Friday that Croatia was among the top European countries, if not at the very top, for the number of hours of face to face lessons during the school year  that just ended and expressed his satisfaction that such a demanding year ended successfully.

Minister Fuchs congratulated teachers, principals, students and their parents for their patience during this demanding school year.

He assessed that despite scepticism, they had proved with this approach that 98% of elementary pupils from grades 1 to 4 managed to attend face to face lessons, with 87% of higher elementary grades also managing to attend face to face lessons. In secondary school, 71% attended face to face classes, while as many as 90% of fourth-year students attended lessons in person.

Fuchs announced that he would present this data at a World Health Organization (WHO) conference in Copenhagen on 2 July on experiences during the coronavirus pandemic.

For more news from Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated news section.
