Saturday, 16 November 2019

Initiative Launched to Rename Split Airport 'Faust Vrancic'

November 16, 2019 - An initiative has been launched to name the newly renovated and record-breaking Split Airport after great Croatian innovator Faust Vrancic, the father of the first functional parachute.

The initiative was launched by Vecernji List, which has received praise and approval.

HRTurizam writes that airports are a window to the outside and the first place tourists touch our soil. Thus, naming Split Airport after Faust Vrancic isn’t a bad idea, after all, primarily to promote, position, and brand Croatia internationally. Also, since 2012, the Faust Vrancic Memorial Center has been opened on the island of Prvic, with a contemporary exhibition of multimedia and interactive content aimed at promoting the character and work of Faust Vrancic.

Faust Vrancic, a native of Sibenik, is one of the greatest Croatian inventors of all time, and his most famous invention is undoubtedly the parachute.

His Dictionary of the five most respected European languages - Latin, Italian, German, Dalmatian and Hungarian - is the first Croatian and the first Hungarian dictionary in history. It was published in Venice in 1595 and is considered the basis of Croatian lexicography.

In his collection of Machinae Novae or New Machine inventions, Faust, on 49 large-format copper cutters, describes 56 different devices and technical structures. In addition to his most famous invention - the parachute, two groups of projects - bridges and mills - are also prominent. Three of Faust’s bridges are inventions of great importance because they are the first ideas to appear in technical literature: the Bronze bridge- the first idea of a metal bridge in the history of technology, a Bridge with one rope – the forerunner of modern cable car and the Iron bridge – the first idea of chain suspension bridge in history.

Famous Split musician Petar Graso is delighted with the idea.

“It is a good initiative, I would like to choose from several names, but it is a great idea for us to remember the more important Croats once again,” said Graso.

Vecernji List also asked Dino Radja, one of the best basketball players in Croatia’s history.

“There were no objections to the name ‘Split Airport’, but as soon as a personal name is given, there will certainly be many different opinions in Split, even though Faust Vrancic is a world-renowned inventor,” said the famous Split basketball player and member of the Basketball Hall of Fame. 

The initiative to rename Split Airport after the great Faust Vrancic is an opportunity and a step forward to finally begin to use Croatia’s potential globally through promotion and branding, which are the basis for various other stories. 

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Friday, 20 October 2017

Šime Strikoman's Latest Millennium Photo Honours Faust Vrančić

The photo by Šime Strikoman commemorates the 400th anniversary of the death of inventor Faust Vrančić.
