Thursday, 28 July 2022

Government Recommends Heating Temperature Of 21 °C, Cooling Temperature Of 25 °C

ZAGREB, 28 July 2022 - The Croatian government on Thursday adopted energy saving guidelines from 1 August to 31 March next year, recommending the maximum heating temperature of 21 degrees Celsius, the cooling temperature of at least 25 degrees and greater use of LED lighting and public transport.

Economy and Sustainable Development Minister Davor Filipović said the guidelines were based on the European Commission's natural gas saving scheme.

On 20 July, the European Commission unveiled the "Save Gas for a Safe Winter" scheme to reduce gas demand by 15% between 1 August 2022 and 31 March 2023.

The government's guidelines recommend that the maximum indoor air temperature during the heating season should be 21 degrees Celsius and the cooling temperature should not be lower than 25 degrees.

Filipović noted that three to four per cent more energy was consumed for each degree of lower temperature.

The guidelines also recommend greater use of LED lighting and public transport. People are advised to use their household appliances during lower-tariff periods, he said.

The guidelines were drawn up by the Energy Directorate at the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the Hrvoje Požar Energy Institute.

Their aim is to encourage change in people's behaviour over a short term, because 40 per cent of total energy is consumed in buildings. As for long-term measures for energy efficiency, energy retrofitting of buildings and houses is recommended, Filipović said.

He expressed hope that both the private and the public sectors would comply with the guidelines.  "We should work together with the rest of Europe on how to achieve savings in the time ahead and should help diversify energy supply routes," Filipović said.

Addressing a news conference after the government meeting, Filipović said that even minor changes in the behaviour of citizens could bring about marked saving.

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