Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Zagreb Stock Exchange Indices Close Mixed

ZAGREB, 4 Aug, 2021 - The main Zagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE) indices closed mixed on Wednesday, with the Crobex increasing by 0.20% to 1,957 points and the Crobex10 decreasing by 0.13% to 1,204 points.

Regular turnover amounted to HRK 4.25 million, roughly the same as on Tuesday.

The only stock to pass the turnover mark of one million kuna was that of the HPB postal bank, turning over HRK 1.13 million. Its price went up by 3.6% to HRK 575 per share.

A total of 41 stocks traded today, with 16 of them registering price increases, 12 recording price decreases and 13 remaining stable in price.

(€1 = HRK 7.490424)

For more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Zagreb Stock Exchange Indices Up Slightly

ZAGREB, 3 Aug, 2021 - The main Zagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE) rose on Tuesday for the second consecutive trading day, with the Crobex increasing by 0.21% to 1,953 points and the Crobex10 by 0.38% to 1,205 points.

Turnover at the close of the trading session was HRK 4.26 million, roughly half as much as on Monday, and none of the stocks passed the turnover mark of one million kuna.

The highest turnover, of HRK 801,000, was generated by the stock of the Valamar Riviera hotel company. It closed at HRK 30 per share, up 1.69% over Monday.

A total of 37 stocks traded today, with 12 of them registering price increases, 12 recording price decreases and 13 stagnating in price.

(€1 = HRK 7.498284)

For more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Zagreb Stock Exchange Indices Go in Opposite Directions

ZAGREB, 28 July, 2021 - The Zagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE) indices on Wednesday changed slightly, going in opposite directions, while regular turnover was modest, however, overall liquidity was increased by the block trading in HT telecommunication company's shares, amounting to HRK 2.66 million.

The Crobex rose by 0.15% to close at 1,934.02 points while the Crobex10 dropped by 0.11% to 1,192.41 points.

Regular trading amounted to HRK 4.4 million, almost three million less than on Tuesday.

The total liquidity was increased by the block trading in HT shares in the amount of HRK 2.66 million, at a price of HRK 190 per share.

HT shares also generated a turnover of some HRK 203,000 in regular trading, closing at HRK 190.50 per share.

In regular trading, none of the stocks crossed the million kuna mark, the closest to it being Ericsson Nikola Tesla with a turnover of HRK 916,800. Its price rose by 0.30% to HRK 1,660.

Thirty-four stocks traded today, with 19 of them registering price increases, 9 recording price decreases and 6 remaining stable in price.

(€1 = HRK 7.523)

For more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Confectioner Kraš Reports 64% Increase in H1 Profit

ZAGREB, 28 July, 2021 - The Kraš confectionery group generated a net profit of HRK 21.9 million in the first half of 2021, an increase of HRK 8.6 million or 64.2% over the same period in 2020, according to its financial statement released on Wednesday.

Consolidated revenue reached HRK 488.2 million, up by HRK 30.4 million or 6.6%, with sales revenue totalling HRK 481.4 million. Sales revenue increased by 15.8% to HRK 257.7 million on the domestic market and by 9.1% to HRK 220 million on the foreign markets.

Expenditure increased by 4.2% to HRK 461.1 million. 

(€1 = HRK 7.523368)

For more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Zagreb Stock Exchange Indices Up Slightly

ZAGREB, 27 July, 2021 - The main Zagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE) indices rose slightly on Tuesday, with the Crobex increasing by 0.07% to 1,931.03 points and the Crobex10 by 0.08% to 1,193.73 points.

Turnover at the close of the trading session was HRK 7.3 million, about 2.8 million higher than on Monday.

The rise in the turnover was mostly driven by the stock of telecommunications equipment manufacturer Ericsson Nikola Tesla telecommunications, which turned over HRK 3.04 million. It closed at HRK 1,655 per share, up by 2.48% from Monday. 

No other stock passed the turnover mark of one million kuna.

A total of 34 stocks traded today, with 13 of them registering price increases, 11 recording price decreases and 10 remaining stable in price.

(€1 = HRK 7.528218)

For more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Contracts For Higher Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Industries Signed

ZAGREB, 27 July, 2021 - Economy Ministry officials on Tuesday presented contracts awarded as part of the HRK 326.3 million public call "Increasing Energy Efficiency and the Use of Renewables in Manufacturing Industries", with the total value of the projects to be implemented standing at HRK 672 million.

340 businesses applied to the call, and 28 - five micro and small businesses, six medium-size businesses and 17 big companies - were awarded money from the EU Competitiveness and Cohesion Fund.

Economy and Sustainable Development Minister Tomislav Ćorić said he expected the companies that were given grants to increase their energy efficiency as well as competitiveness as a result of lower energy consumption and increased production efficiency.

He noted that significant funds were envisaged for that purpose also under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and that domestic businesses could expect new calls for applications by the end of this year and the beginning of 2022.

The approved grants must be invested in the next one to two years.

As a small, open economy, in the previous decades Croatia mostly exploited its development capacity in the services sector, including tourism, while now national plans and strategies should put special emphasis on manufacturing industries so that the country can catch up with EU standards, Ćorić said, adding that domestic producers could impact export as one of the key variables of the national economy.

"There will be more calls like this one in the period to come," he said.

For more about ecology in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Croatia's Ericsson Nikola Tesla's Net Profit up in H1

ZAGREB, 27 July, 2021 - In H1 2021, Croatian telecommunication equipment manufacturer Ericsson Nikola Tesla generated a net profit of HRK 101.4 million, up 190% on the year, the ICT company said in a press release on Tuesday.

The company's gross profit amounts to HRK 154.3 billion, up 105.1% on the year.

The company's sales revenues rose by 5% to HRK 1.01 billion in the first six months of 2021. Of the total sales revenues, 44.1% was generated on the domestic market, services to parent Ericsson accounted for 44.9%, while other export markets contributed 11%.

In the said period, sales revenues on the domestic market amounted to HRK 447 million, up 6.2%, while sales revenues on foreign markets (without services to parent Ericsson) increased by 5.7% to HRK 111.5 million.

(€1 = HRK 7.5)

For more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Zagreb Stock Exchange Indices Weaken

ZAGREB, 21 July, 2021 - The Zagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE) indices dropped again on Wednesday after going up on Tuesday.

The Crobex decreased by 0.29% to 1,918 points, while the Crobex10 went up by a mere 0.06% to 1,185 points.

Regular turnover amounted to HRK 3.7 million, or HRK 1.4 million less than on Tuesday.

No stock crossed the million kuna mark and the highest turnover, of nearly HRK 879,000, was generated by the stock of the HT telecommunications company. The price of its shares went up by 1.85% to HRK 27.5.

A total of 33 stocks traded today, with 14 of them registering share price increases, 11 recording share price decreases and eight remaining stable in price.

(€1 = HRK 7.494568 )

For more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Croatian Bureau of Statistics (DZS): Volume of Construction Work up 16% in May, Rising For 12 Months in Row

ZAGREB, 21 July, 2021 - The volume of construction work carried out in Croatia in May 2021 rose 15.9% compared with May 2020, and it fell by 0.1% compared with April 2021, according to data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics (DZS) on Wednesday.

May was the 12th consecutive month to see the rise in the volume of construction work on an annual level.

Year on year, the volume of construction work to buildings increased by 18% and the volume of construction work to other structures grew by 13%. Month on month, the volume of construction work to buildings fell by 0.3%, while the volume of construction work to other structures decreased by 0.9%.

For more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Croatian National Bank (HNB): 85% of Croats Hold at Least One Payment Card at End Of 2020

ZAGREB, 21 July, 2021 - At the end of 2020, 3.45 million Croatian consumers had at least one payment card, which means that of 4.05 million residents, 85% possessed cards for cashless payment,  according to the data provided by the Croatian National Bank (HNB).

The HNB's publication on cards and card transactions in 2020 shows that as many as 8.78 million such cards were registered at the end of 2020, which was down by 4.5% compared to the end of 2019.

Thus, 85% of the population held at least one payment card, more than 29% held at least two payment cards, and 17% three cards.

 Also, 240,264 payment card holders were business entities.

The HNB says that 4.83 million cards were used during 2020, 3.55 million were unused and 0.55 million were blocked.

As many as 6.92 million cards were debit cards (79%), up 0.41%. The remaining 21% (1.85 million) were credit cards, down by 20.32% compared to the end of 2020.

This decline in the number of credit card was ascribed by the HNB to the business decision of American Express to leave Croatia's market.

The HND data shows that there were 21 credit institutions and two electronic money institutions as payment card issuers in Croatia last year.

For more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

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