Friday, 10 April 2020

Fortenova Group Donates Half a Million Masks to Civil Protection Directorate

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 10th of April, 2020, half a million disposable protective masks were acquired and donated by the Fortenova Group (former Agrokor) to the Directorate of Civil Protection of the Ministry of the Interior. The security equipment, worth nearly two million kuna in total, which was taken today from the Konzum warehouse, is intended for users who carry out anti-epidemic health measures on the ground.

Assistant Minister Ph.D. Damir Trut thanked the Fortenova Group donation and said that it would contribute to increasing the safety of the staff involved in the task of combating the new coronavirus epidemic.

''The donation of protective masks will provide safer working conditions and the further protection for all employees, primarily those in the health system, but also for other members of the civil protection system's operational forces, so I'd like to thank you for this commendable donation. Only through joint efforts can we contribute to reducing the spread of the new coronavirus and increasing the security of all citizens of the Republic of Croatia,'' the Assistant Minister said.

Despite the enormous challenge of procuring equipment that is currently the most sought after commodity in the entire world, the Fortenova Group has been able to import more equipment, some of which is intended to protect Fortenova Group employees, with most of the masks going to those who need them most at the moment.

"Healthcare professionals, police officers, firefighters and everyone else who has been constantly concerned with the safety and health of all of us in recent weeks are invaluable. We at the Fortenova Group know this very well, as thousands of our workers are taking care to make sure there is an unobstructed level of care for Croatian citizens doing their jobs every day. Therefore, we at the Fortenova Group know a lot about the value of safety and health concerns and the importance of investing in this security at this time,'' said Fabris Peruško, CEO of the Fortenova Group.

The Fortenova Group and its companies in Croatia - Konzum, PIK Vrbovec, Jamnica, Zvijezda, Belje and Ledo have all assisted hospitals, the Croatian Red Cross and various care organisations since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis. The Group's companies operating in neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia have also done the same.

"With this latest donation of protective masks, the total amount of donations from the Fortenova Group so far in the region has reached almost four million kuna in direct contributions to the communities in which we work. At the same time, this is also a way of showing gratitude to everyone who is doing their job every day, regardless of the risks,'' said CEO Fabris Peruško.

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