Sunday, 13 June 2021

Tenth VegeSajam Fair to be Held in Zagreb on 15 June

ZAGREB, 13 June, 2021 - The 10th edition of the VegeSajam vegan fair will be held in Zagreb's main square on 15 June.

This year's VegeSajam will showcase many vegan products, including vegan sausages, salami, different spreads, burgers, biscuits, cakes, sandwiches and various dishes, the Friends of Animals nongovernmental organisation, which organises the event, said.

Also, visitors will be able to taste "the tastiest ready-made vegan ćevapčići available on the Croatian market".

From every purchased product, a kuna will be donated to the Friends of Animals.

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Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Petition Against Chaining Dogs Signed by More Than 40,000 People

ZAGREB, 9 March, 2021 - The Friends of Animals association said on Tuesday that its petition, launched to ban chaining dogs, had so far been signed by more than 40,000 people and that its initiative had also been supported by associations of veterinarians. 

The NGO said that it had sent a letter to the government calling on it to urgently amend the Animal Welfare Act and that it expected a positive response.

It said that its initiative had been supported by the most important veterinarian associations, including the Croatian Veterinary Chamber.

In a letter of support for the campaign, Croatian Veterinary Chamber head Ivan Zemljak says the campaign will contribute to raising the standards of animal protection and welfare in Croatia.

Veterinarian Tatjana Zajec has said that dogs are social animals so their long-term confinement or chaining can cause serious damage to their physical or psychological well-being.

Dogs that are chained lack sufficient play and activity, are not taught to happily co-exist with other animals and humans and are therefore frequently dangerous for everyone around them, veterinarians warn.

 For more news about Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
