Monday, 4 November 2019

Small Samobor Company With Just 8 Employees "Conquers" World

Despite the media loving to spread the negatives, there is an enormous amount of positivity in Croatia, and the level of innovation and drive from certain Croatian companies is impressive. One can only imagine what the results would be if the political and economic climate turned in their favour. One such company is a very small one with just eight employees, located in Samobor.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 2nd of November, 2019, the world is gradually being ''conquered'' by the radars of a small Samobor company which boasts just a handful of employees. They strengthened their position on the global stage by entering no less than the highly prosperous Chinese market. The Samobor-based company's production program is the result of its very own development, and almost all of its production is realised right here in Croatia, HRT reports.

Sensors in hydrology, industrial sensors and radars for security systems used across five continents are all produced in the unassuming continental Croatian town of Samobor, just a short drive from Zagreb.

''We first started selling various electrical appliances and software development services to companies around the world, and then relatively early on in the development of the company, the idea came up to start developing our products and we started with our radar story,'' says Tomislav Grubeša, Geolux's technical director.

That story led them to a hold a thirty percent share of the Chinese market, and a ten percent share of the global market.

''A little luck mixed with a bit of coincidence saw us able to reach some really good partners over in China, who managed to push our products into a large number of water measurement projects, ie, flow measurement across rivers in China,'' said Grubeša.

This Samobor-based company's currently best-selling product is a set of radars for flow measurement in hydrology.

''From this, it's possible to calculate the total flow of water, in cubic metres per second, which is actually needed by hydrologists to be able to plan, for example, flood defenses or plan for the use of energy in hydroelectric power plants,'' said Nikša Orlić, Geolux's director.

Such sensors, in addition to the large Chinese rivers, are also found on the Hendrix Bridge, in Gunja, and more recently on Vrljica. They are also currently working on four new projects, including detection to help detect drones.

"Because every flight drone has to spin propellers that produce a certain sound, they can actually be accurately detected by an acoustic camera," Grubeša explained.

Geolux has recently introduced such new radar platforms for security systems in Northern Europe, more precisely in the United Kingdom, to NATO members as part of a military exercise.

Make sure to follow our dedicated business and Made in Croatia pages for much more.
