Tuesday, 16 February 2021

First Croatian GMO-Free Soy Bean Processing Plant Being Built

February the 16th, 2021 - The first Croatian GMO-free soybean processing is set to spring up in Eastern Croatia, a heavily economically neglected part of the country.

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Branimir Bradaric/VL writes, in Vukovar-Srijem County, more precisely in Drenovci, the first Croatian Centre for GMO free soybean processing should emerge, assessed as a strategic project in that particular eastern county, which is also the project holder, the municipality of Drenovci is a partner and the county development agency is an associate.

Over recent days, soybean producers were presented the project-technical documentation of the centre for the processing of Croatian GMO free soybeans, worth more than 1.4 million kuna (85 percent of which is co-financed with non-refundable funds from the EU).

“We are capable of producing quality soy, and not just importing it. I'm satisfied because it is in Cvelferija, right here in Drenovci. Our farmers have opted for soy, and it is in demand in Europe,'' said Prefect Bozo Galic.

County Head of Agriculture Andrija Matic said that the project will build a factory in which 30,000 tonnes of Croatian GMO-free soybeans will be processed annually. However, the project has a wider significance because, in addition to soybean processing, it also works to take more care of human health as well as environmental protection.

“The Osijek Agricultural Institute, as a partner, will deal with the Croatian genetic potential of soybean seeds. The project is in the phase of the preparation of project-technical documentation and we can expect to obtain a building permit, call a tender by the end of the year and start with the construction of the plant.

The intention is to create all of the preconditions for the labelling of Croatian GMO-free soybeans and to also create production organisation through which producers will be able to achieve higher rates of profit on the seeds and grains of premium soybeans,'' concluded Matic.

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