Tuesday, 6 August 2019

HNS Commemorates Tenth Anniversary of Party Founder's Death

ZAGREB, August 6, 2019 - A delegation of the Croatian People's Party (HNS) on Tuesday laid a wreath and lit candles at the grave of the party's founder, Savka Dabčević-Kučar, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of her death, saying that Dabčević-Kučar had advocated values Croatia should promote.

"Savka Dabčević-Kučar is a person of great importance in Croatia's history whose work and ideas helped build what Croatia is today and also what it should be and has possibly not become yet," said Stjepan Čuraj, an HNS MP and member of the HNS Presidency.

Asked if the party's having split into three parties was what Dabčević-Kučar would have wanted, Čuraj said that he did not consider it good either.

"A real member of the HNS cannot consider any divisions good, either in society or in political parties. Divisions bring no good, we should put our heads together and work for what is best for the country," he said.

Asked about his party's poor approval ratings, Čuraj said that since the HNS formed the government with the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in 2012, voter support for it had been around 3% but that in elections the party won a certain number of votes that proved those approval ratings wrong.

Asked to comment on claims that some of the HNS voters would never forgive the party its entering a coalition with the HDZ, Čuraj said that they were aware that it had been a difficult decision.

"It was not in the party's interest because we were aware that it would cost us a drop in approval ratings. We did it in the interest of the country and citizens. At the time, it was the right thing to do," he said.

He added that the government's results justified the party's decision and that the coming education reform would show that the HNS had contributed something to the country.

As for the party's presidential candidate, Čuraj said that the HNS would announce in the autumn whether it would support one of the existing candidates or enter the presidential race with its own candidate.

More HNS news can be found in the Politics section.

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Posavec Apologises for HNS’s Decision to Enter into Coalition with HDZ

ZAGREB, July 14, 2019 - Međimurje County Prefect Matija Posavec, who is an official of the Croatian People's Party (HNS), a junior partner in the ruling coalition, on Sunday said he was sorry for the party's decision to enter the ruling coalition with the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) in 2017.

During his interview with the HTV public broadcaster, Posavec said that he would be the first from the HNS to extend apologies over that coalition.

He then apologised to the HNS "member, sympathisers and the general public for what the HNS did two years ago. That was neither courageous nor responsible." Posavec referred to the fact that two years ago, when the Bridge party left the ruling coalition, the HNS, which was until then one of minor opposition parties, switched sides and joined the government.

He believes that the HNS needs a new course and expresses readiness to replace HNS leader Ivan Vrdoljak at the helm of the party.

Posavec also insists that there is no longer any need for the HNS to remain in the ruling coalition as his party accomplished the goal it set two years ago: the introduction of the curriculum reform in schools.

He believes that early parliamentary elections should be held this year "due to all scandals in the government", and told the presenter of the show that he did not fear that he would be kicked out of the HNS.

In the case of his eviction, he said he would continue performing his duties of the county prefect as an independent politician.

More HNS news can be found in the Politics section.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Ruling Coalition Survives Kuščević’s Dismissal

ZAGREB, July 9, 2019 - The Croatian People's Party (HNS) whip, Milorad Batinić on Tuesday said that the HNS was more than a fair coalition partner to the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) despite the ultimatum it set with regard to replacing Administration Minister Lovro Kuščević, who stepped down on Monday evening, assessing Prime Minister Andrej Plenković's move as "correct and statesmanlike."

Asked whether HNS expects Plenković's retaliation seeing that with its publicly announced ultimatum they put him in an awkward position, Batinić said that more information about that would be provided after a meeting between coalition partners.

"That's a matter for coalition partners, coalition talks and we will discuss everything at the coalition meeting," he added.

He dismissed interpretations that HNS acted unfairly because it sent its message that Kuščević has to go through the media and now they are saying they will discuss it in the meeting of the coalition.

"You have totally distorted your arguments. Coalition talks have been continuing over the past four weeks. No one can deny anyone their right to their opinion regardless of the dispute in question," he told reporters.

He underscored that the HNS caucus was united. He added that he believes the prime minister will not oust the HNS from the government and that Plenković made a "correct and statesmanlike move."

Considering that the HNS in its press release mentioned Kuščević's criminal responsibility, Batinić said that they expect the relevant institutions to do their job.

"We pointed out the political responsibility and that was the main thing and now it is up to state institutions to assess whether there were any criminal wrongdoings and to handle that," he added.

Asked whether the HNS was perhaps aiming for a broader government reshuffle, Batinić said that there is certainly room for improvement and that in the last year of term in government, those minister who perhaps have not kept up with HNS ministers, will pick up and we can catch up to what we advocated when we entered into the coalition."

Asked whether ministers Grabrijela Žalac and Goran Maric should remain in government, Batinić reiterated, "that will be discussed at coalition meetings in addition to other matters that are discussed."

More news about HNS can be found in the Politics section.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Motion for Vote of No Confidence in Kuščević Added to Agenda

ZAGREB, July 4, 2019 - The Croatian parliament on Thursday added to its agenda an opposition motion for a vote of no confidence in Public Administration Minister Lovro Kuščević.

The motion was signed by 43 deputies, Speaker Gordan Jandroković said.

The opposition has called for a vote of no confidence in Kuščević "because during his term as the mayor of Nerežišća municipality, and later as minister he has shown that he does not care about public interest and because he has put his private, property-related interests before public interest, abusing his powers to make personal gain worth millions of kuna."

The motion, put forward by the Social Democratic Party (SDP) was supported also by deputies of the Croatian Peasant Party (HSS), the GLAS party, the group of independent members of parliament, SNAGA party MP Goran Aleksić, and MP Ivan Lovrinović of the Let's Change Croatia party.

The government has the duty to state its position on the motion within eight days from its being tabled. A no-confidence motion is voted on seven days from the day of its submission at the earliest and 30 days from its submission at the latest.

After a meeting of the ruling coalition partners - Branko Bačić of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), Milorad Batinić of the Croatian People's Party (HNS) and Milorad Pupovac of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) - Pupovac expressed hope that a parliamentary debate on a vote of no confidence in Public Administration Minister Lovro Kuščević, moved by the opposition, would not have to be held.

Speaking to reporters before the meeting, Pupovac said that "someone should leave the government but I hope that won't be the coalition partners."

Pupovac, who is known for choosing his words carefully, thus gave reporters reason to conclude that Kuščević will eventually leave the government before the parliamentary debate and will either resign or be replaced by the prime minister.

"We have just had a meeting of the coalition partners and discussed ways to deal with everything that is behind us and that we are faced with. If people talk, it means that there is some kind of common ground for talks... We had an open and good discussion on how to proceed with regard to all outstanding issues," Pupovac said when asked if the ruling coalition was stable.

Asked who would give in, the HDZ or its coalition partners, Pupovac said, "This is not about giving in but about an agreement on how to function and find a solution."

The HDZ did not speak about Kuščević's political fate, the prime minister is in charge of that and we are agreed that that role belongs to him, he added. "As for the debate on a no-confidence vote in Kuščević, we hope it will not have to be held," he said, adding that "someone should leave the government and I hope that won't be the coalition partners."

Pupovac said that he was not insulted by Kuščević 's statement that a party with 2.5% voter support was not one to decide on the composition of the government, but that that was an insult to common sense.

Asked if his HNS party could leave the government, Batinić said that everything would be communicated to the prime minister, adding "See you next week after the meeting with the prime minister."

Social Democrat Peđa Grbin, whose party on Wednesday filed a motion for a vote of no confidence in Kuščević, said earlier today that the HDZ had assumed responsibility for Kuščević's behaviour.

"The HDZ yesterday supported a common thief thus sending the message that in Croatia it is permitted to steal while holding a public office," said Grbin. "We expect all members of parliament to say 'No' to Lovro Kuščević and to thievery. If the HNS will join in - good, but if not, it will only demonstrate consistency with everything it has been doing in the last two years since it joined this government of crooks," Grbin said.

He noted that many HDZ deputies admitted in private conversations that Kuščević's conduct was unacceptable. "Now they will have a chance to show if they practice what they preach," he added.

More news about the Kuščević affair can be found in the Politics section.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

HDZ Still Supporting Administration of Minister Kuščević

ZAGREB, July 4, 2019 - Prime Minister and HDZ leader Andrej Plenković said after a party meeting on Wednesday evening that Public Administration Minister Lovro Kuščević was doing his job, that media attacks against him referred to the period before Kuščević was appointed minister and that he would most probably hold talks on Kuščević with all partners in the ruling coalition next week.

Kuščević has come under severe criticism from the media after it emerged that he was involved in a string of property-related scandals during his term as mayor of Nerežišća on the southern island of Brač.

The deputy leader of the HNS and Deputy Prime Minister, Predrag Štromar, said over the weekend that the HNS wanted a meeting with Plenković to propose the dismissal of Kuščević because he had used his political position to amass wealth for himself.

"As for the minister, he presented at the meeting his arguments and facts that are currently in the focus of media attention so that the party leadership could hear his side of the story too," Plenković told reporters after the HDZ leadership discussed the HNS's demand that Kuščević be replaced.

Instead of using the media to trade shots, we will hold talks with all partners in the parliamentary majority, and that will happen most probably next week, Plenković said, adding that all further activities regarding the case would be discussed by Minister Kuščević and himself.

"We will talk, Minister Kuščević is doing his job and the topics from the media campaign against him refer to the time long before he was appointed minister. As for his work as minister, I think that he has been maximally involved and motivated to work on the government's programme and on everything from the Public Administration Ministry's remit," said the PM.

Asked about the HNS's demand that Kuščević be replaced and its claims that otherwise, it would leave the ruling coalition, Plenković said: "No one is indispensable."

Asked if the HDZ had a plan B in that case, he added: "Don't you worry about us."

More news about the latest crisis in the ruling coalition can be found in the Politics section.

Sunday, 30 June 2019

HNS Officially Proposes Dismissal of Administration Minister Kuščević

ZAGREB, June 30, 2019 - Croatian People's Party (HNS) vice-president and Deputy Prime Minister Predrag Štromar said on Sunday that the HNS wanted to a meeting with Prime Minister Andrej Plenković at which it would propose the replacement of Public Administration Minister Lovro Kuščević who the party considers used political influence for personal gain.

"We concluded yesterday that we should invite Prime Minister Andrej Plenković and the HDZ to a meeting at which we will propose that Minister Lovro Kuščević be replaced. We are not insisting on his criminal liability, that is up to the relevant institutions to determine, but according to publicly available information, Kuščević most probably used his political influence for personal gain, and the HNS considers that unacceptable," Štromar told a news conference in the northern municipality of Sveti Martin na Muri, where party members met for a conference of the HNS Political Academy.

Minister Kuščević has come under severe criticism in the media over scandals that concern his amassing of wealth and buying, repurposing and selling land at the time when he was the mayor of Nerežišća on the island of Brač.

Asked by a reporter how firm the HNS would be in its demand to the prime minister, Štromar said that he was "certain there will be enough political wisdom to make the right move."

Asked why the HNS was insisting on Kuščević's departure and what was the difference between him and property-related affairs involving Regional Development and EU Funds Minister Gabrijela Žalac, Agriculture Minister Tomislav Tolušić and State Assets Minister Goran Marić, Štromar repeated that Kuščević had used his political influence for personal gain.

"That can be seen in all media reports now and that makes a big difference in relation to the other ministers," he said.

Asked about President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović and the HSLS party's comments on the case, Štromar said briefly that he was glad "they agree with our proposal for the minister's replacement."

Asked if he was prepared to leave the government if the prime minister did not dismiss Kuščević, Štromar said that he was confident the prime minister would make the right move.

He also gave a brief comment on speculation that Plenković could accept a post in the EU. "If I were Prime Minister, I would be flattered by such an invitation, but I would never accept it," he said.

Asked about the HNS's support for a possible new prime minister-designate, Štromar said that it was a hypothetical question and that in case of such developments, the matter would first be discussed by the party bodies.

More news about HNS can be found in the Politics section.

Sunday, 30 June 2019

Government Rejects Coalition Partner’s Ultimatum

ZAGREB, June 30, 2019 - Following the announcement by the Croatian People's Party (HNS), a junior partner in the ruling coalition, that it would formally demand the resignation of Public Administration Minister Lovro Kuščević, the government said on Saturday that the matter would be discussed at a regular coalition meeting.

"We will discuss this at a regular coalition meeting this week or the next. Ultimatums are out of the question. In the end, a decision on each cabinet minister is made by the prime minister," the government press service briefly told Hina.

Minister Kuščević has come under severe criticism in the media after it emerged that he was involved in a string of property-related scandals during his term as mayor of Nerežišća on the southern island of Brač.

Kuščević on Saturday declined to comment on increasing calls for his resignation. "The (present) mayor of Nerežišća has said everything there is to say about the amendments to the local development plan," he told Hina in Supetar on Brač island.

The mayor of Nerežišća, Svemir Obilinović, said on Friday that the changes to the local development plan and land use had been done for the sake of the municipality's development and tourism as a strategic branch of the local economy. He denied media reports saying that Kuščević, while serving as mayor, had allowed land-use changes to favour his family and help them make huge profits.

Milorad Pupovac, the leader of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS), also a partner in the ruling coalition, was reserved in his comment, saying that his party would discuss the matter early next week and take an official stance.

"I cannot say at this point what our stance will be. The very fact that this matter will be discussed should be enough," Pupovac told Hina on Saturday.

Coalition partners from the Work and Solidarity party of Zagreb mayor Milan Bandić did not return calls and text messages from Hina.

Croatian Social Liberal Party (HSLS) leader Darinko Kosor said on Saturday that both Public Administration Minister Lovro Kuščević of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and the Croatian People's Party (HNS) should leave the government.

"In our opinion, both Kuščević and the HNS should leave the government. But that should be decided by the prime minister," Kosor told Hina when asked to comment on the HNS's demand for Kuščević‘s resignation.

The HNS supports the Social Democratic Party's presidential candidate Zoran Milanović and is calling, through its Međimurje County prefect Matija Posavec, for departure from the ruling coalition, "so I don't see how they could be partners any more," said Kosor, whose party is a coalition partner in government.

Kosor said that Minister Kuščević should go "for reasons well known to the public."

More news about the Kuščević case can be found in the Politics section.

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Coalition Partner Demanding Minister Kuščević’s Resignation

ZAGREB, June 29, 2019 - The Croatian People's Party (HNS), which is the Croatian Democratic Union's (HDZ) strategic partner in the incumbent coalition government, will ask Prime Minister Andrej Plenković to convene an emergency meeting of the coalition because it insists that Public Administration Minister Lovro Kuščević of the HDZ should step down but it could also propose a bigger reshuffle, the Vecernji List daily of Saturday reported.

The bigger reshuffle would include the resignation of Health Minister Milan Kujundžić and of Regional Development and EU Funds Minister Gabrijela Žalac, according to the daily.

The daily reports that this was confirmed to it by the HNS leadership and that Deputy Prime Minister Predrag Štromar of the HNS will present his party's demand regarding Kuščević at a news conference to be held on Sunday at Sveti Martin na Muri, where the HNS Main Committee and Presidency are to hold a meeting.

The HNS will ask that the coalition meeting be held as early as Monday.

The party does not want to speculate about Kuščević's possible criminal liability with regard to scandals that concern his amassing his wealth and buying, repurposing and selling land at the time when he was the mayor of a community on the island of Brač, but it believes that he should have stepped down due to moral and political responsibility because scandals related to him burden and harm the government, the daily says.

"... we insist on Kuščević's resignation, and as regards a bigger reshuffle, which we are also proposing, (PM) Plenković will be the one to decide," a source in the HNS leadership told Vecernji List.

The HNS believes that Žalac should leave over scandals in which she is implicated and that Kujundžić should step down due to poor results in the health sector.

Since PM Plenković does not want the success of Foreign Minister Marija Pejčinović Burić, who was elected Secretary-General of the Council of Europe and is to take office on September 15, to be linked to a possible government reshuffle, the question that arises is what the HNS will do if Plenković rejects its demand for Kuščević's replacement and whether in that case, it will leave the government.

"We believe that Plenković will opt for a reshuffle, and if he does not, everything is possible in the autumn," the HNS source said.

More news about Minister Kuščević can be found in the Politics section.

Monday, 24 June 2019

Međimurje County Hopes Government Will Support Local Projects

ZAGREB, June 24, 2019 - Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts Darko Horvat and Međimurje County Prefect Matija Posavec met on Monday for a working meeting to discuss details for a cabinet meeting that will be held in the Čakovec on July 18 and as Posavec said, he will present "prepared projects for which he expects support from the national level."

It was agreed that a cabinet meeting will be held in Čakovec on July 18. He added that the last cabinet meeting in Čakovec was held 14 years ago in the local army barracks when the government granted the barracks to the county authorities and now they will have the opportunity to show Prime Minister Andrej Plenković what has been built in that complex and it current purpose.

Posavec stated that the he would present the government with prepared projects that he expects will receive support from the national level." Each county prefect needs to cooperate with each government and any burden a political may have must not impact that cooperation. This is not the first time that the cabinet has met in Čakovec. The cabinet meets in cities throughout Croatia and it was time it was held in Čakovec again. It would have been better if it had of been earlier but there is no reason why our requests not to be endorsed on July 18," Posavec said.

Posavec, who was the top candidate of the Croatian People's Party (HNS) slate for the recent parliamentary elections, said that the HNS would consider the election performance next weekend in the resort of Sveti Martin na Muri. The party did not pass the 5% of the election threshold.

He told the N1 commercial broadcaster that the ruling coalition consisting of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and his party could remain in power until the end of this term, however, he believes that the coalition has been detrimental to the HNS.

More Međimurje news can be found in the Lifestyle section.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

HNS Presents European Parliament Elections Programme

ZAGREB, February 26, 2019 - Matija Posavec, who heads the Croatian People's Party (HNS) slate for the European Parliament elections, said on Tuesday his goal was for Croatia to be more functioning as a European Union member state than it is now, and that the HNS would push for "more European values to enter Croatia."

"With regard to the average pay, we want as many of our citizens as possible to have an average pay above 7,000 kuna. That's the only economic and population reform which can stop emigration," Posavec told reporters in Osijek.

He said Croatia was not absorbing European funds well because it had contracted only 62% and paid out only 26% of the funds available in the 2014-20 period.

He said there had not been much talk in the Croatian political sphere about a European Commission recommendation and law stating that small and medium enterprises must be protected. He pushed for protecting domestic farm products, saying Croatia imports two billion euro worth of food annually.

"If only one percent of that was invested in domestic production, it would be a 20 million euro investment annually in family farms and family SMEs," Posavec said, adding that European values must reach every corner of Croatia because of unbalanced development.

More news on the European Parliament elections can be found in the Politics section.

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