Sunday, 9 October 2022

Rotary Club Split Humanitarian Event for Down Syndrome Education Centre

October 9, 2022 - Rotary Club from Split is organising a humanitarian event in cooperation with the Down-21 Syndrome Association. The goal is to finance the equipment for their Education Centre in Split.

RTL reports. "You must know that every year on average, 50 new babies with Down-21 syndrome are born in our country, fifty of our little angels. At this moment, according to statistical data, there are 1,876 people with Down-21 syndrome among us. You must also know that our "Downies" are pure goodness; they can and do learn, love having fun, and keep us warm with their souls. But they need our help. With this event, we want to acquire equipment for the implementation of educational, both individual and group activities. We are also planning to equip a sensory room for the youngest and a sports cabinet for all members. Doing this, we would create the Educational Down Centre Split 21", they announced and added that we can all help them.

One of the events was a showcase soccer match on Saturday, October 8, at 10 a.m., at the auxiliary field of HNK Hajduk. It was enjoyed in the warmest atmosphere, and a show was put on through a soccer "clash" of members of the Down-21 Syndrome Association, members of the Rotary Club Split Novi, and Hajduk's team "Special Power League," which is a sports leagues for children with developmental disabilities.

A week later, they are preparing a music sales program. It will be held on Sunday, October 16, starting at 10 a.m. on the Split Riva.

The highlight of this event, they say, will take place on Sunday, October 23, starting at 5:00 p.m. in the Lora House in Split, where a show by the famous illusionist Luka Vidović will take place, called "Magic show." The play is intended for the whole family and will delight both young and old. You can buy tickets at the price of HRK 60 here!

"Your participation in the mentioned activities and donations are helping to realize the dream; you are giving your incentive to improve their position in society. And that, you will agree, is the most important thing", they pointed out and published the information for donations.

You can pay donations to a special account opened for this campaign, "Equipping of the Down educational centre Split-21," until December 27, 2022:


Bank: OTP Banka d.d.

IBAN: HR5824070001500017679


Payment description: "Donation"

Thanks in advance; from the bottom of our hearts,

RC Split Novi."

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated Lifestyle section.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Todoric Family Struggling to Survive: Humanitarian Effort Launched

After Ivica Todoric revealed publicly that his family is struggling to survive, a Split association will organize a humanitarian effort this Sunday. Citizens can bring food, clothing and other supplies. The president of the association promised that he would deliver everything in person to Kulmorovi dvori on Monday January 20, 2020.

As reported by Lauren Simmonds/TCN, on January 9, 2020; Ivica Todoric, who is awaiting trial in Croatia, has alerted the media that he and his family are struggling to survive. His announcement has provoked quite a response because he was known to have been one of the richest people in Croatia for decades.

His words have been taken seriously by Jakša Bulić, president of the association for national development “Bili cvitak”.


Bili Cvitak Launches Humanitarian Effort to Help Todorics

Therefore, he has announced a humanitarian effort "Let's Help the Todorics", which will be held on Sunday, January 19, 2020 in Solin. The association calls on all citizens of goodwill to donate food, hygienic supplies, clothing and footwear to Ivica Todorić and his family, according to Dalmacija danas on January 13, 2020.

“We have decided to launch "Let's Help the Todorics" a humanitarian effort for religious citizens and Catholics collect donations and supplies for the Todorics. On Sunday, January 19, 2020 we will collect everything from 10am to 12pm in front of the post office in Solin,” announced Jakša Bulić, president of the association.

Donations Will be Delivered to Todoric Residence on Monday

They group has already participated in various humanitarian efforts, such as an effort to build a school and a water supply system in Ogorje.

Citizens can bring food, shoes, clothing and other supplies, and the president of the association confirmed to Dalmacija danas that he will bring everything in person to Kulmorovi dvori, the Todoric residence, on Monday.

“It is up to Mr. Todoric whether he will accept our donations, but it is important for us as citizens to show our goodwill,” Bulić emphasized.

Follow our Lifestyle page to keep updated on the upcoming trial of Ivica Todoric.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Humanitarian Action in Split Tomorrow Bigger than Ever: 400 Volunteers, 36 Stands, and One Not to Miss!

The humanitarian action 'A di si ti?!' has never been bigger: The Humanitarian Market that will be held tomorrow has over 400 volunteers and 36 stands!
