Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Humanitarian Run 'ZAR Runs for Petrinja' for Earthquake Victims

January 6, 2021 – Shaken by scenes from Petrinja, Sisak, Glina, and surrounding places affected by the earthquake, the organizers of the traditional holiday costume race Zagreb Advent Run organized a humanitarian action called "ZAR runs for Petrinja."

As part of the action, they call on all runners and other interested citizens to run the desired section anywhere in Croatia by January 10, 2021 and support the victims of the earthquake-affected areas with a paid donation.

Registrations are available on their website, and the organizers will donate all the money to help the victims in Sisak-Moslavina County.

To help all victims and reduce their pain and sorrow, the Zagreb Advent Run organizers, Millenium Promotion and Run Croatia, invite all citizens to contribute and show a big racing heart.

"Surprised by the unpleasant event that hit Petrinja and the surrounding areas, we immediately devised a way to get involved. We sympathize with all the victims, and by organizing the humanitarian run named 'ZAR runs for Petrinja,' we decided to act and show a big racing heart. We will donate all the funds raised in this action to help Petrinja and the surrounding places, and as a sign of gratitude to all runners, we will send a special ZAR digital thank you note," said the organizers.

They also invite all participants to share their photos and videos of the run on social networks with the hashtag #ZARtrčizaPetrinju.

To ensure that the funds get into the right hands, the organizers will pay the donations to a specially opened account in the State Treasury for this action. When the humanitarian action ends, the organizers will publicly announce the total amount of funds raised.

Donations can be paid to the following data:

Recipient: Državni proračun Republike Hrvatske/State Budget of the Republic of Croatia

Invoice for payment: HR1210010051863000160 I

Model: HR 68

Reference to recipient number: 5444-OIB-1

For payments from abroad - SWIFT: NBHRHR2XXXX

Source: Več

For more on the Petrinja earthquake and to see how you can donate money, food, humanitarian, sanitary, and material aid, follow our dedicated section.

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Infobip Gathers Developers for ''Code Escape'' Humanitarian Event

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 3rd of May, 2019, in a sea of ​​popular hackathons, engineers from Croatia's Infobip invented a brand new concept of developmental entertainment called Code Escape last year, in which software engineers use their knowledge and skills and solve logical and technical puzzles in order to complete the game within a limited timeframe. The event is inspired by the popular Escape Room concept and is of a humanitarian character, and all lovers of coding and good fun are free to participate.

After the successful Code Escape, organised last year in Zagreb, this year's event will take place in the recently opened Infobip Office in Rijeka, where some forty experts currently work. Infobip's main desire was that by solving the puzzles, the teams also contribute to the development of the local community so that through code, participants "unlock" the amounts Infobip will donate to the "My place under the sun" (Moje mjesto pod suncem) project, designed to provide children in a poorer socio-economic position with a stimulating environment. This praiseworthy act involves DIRA Rijeka which promotes, develops and improves work with children with developmental difficulties, as well as the Kantrida Children's Hospital.

"We've put a lot of effort into designing Code Escape, we've created and tested ten puzzles over a six month period. The best part is that in addition to having fun in a relaxed atmosphere, with pizza and a team, we're using our development skills to invest back into the community. Last year in Zagreb, we had a large number of entries and we hope to have the same response in Rijeka,'' said one of the organisers, Infobip's Anja Hula.

The engineers are the driving forces of Infobip, which is reflected in the company's established strategy - to become the Centre of Excellence for Engineering, which, coupled with state-of-the-art technology and great work methods, brings together the best software engineers in creating innovative communications solutions at both a regional and a global level. Denis Ćutić, senior software engineer at Infobip, was the initiator of this game, while dozens of developers participated in its development.

"Although I work within the largest IT company in Croatia, we're far from a corporation because the company is run in an informal environment and we're able to share knowledge and work on developing projects with our colleagues and developers that improve the technology community, but also contribute to society, and this sets us apart from the others," stated Denis.

More information on the humanitarian game that will be held on May the 18th in the Infobip Rijeka office at Martinkovac 109, as well as the application form, are available here.

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