Monday, 18 January 2021

Government Financially Supports Independent Artists

ZAGREB, 18 January, 2021 - The government decided on Monday to financially support independent artists, self-employed and independent culture professionals, tasking the finance and culture ministries to set aside an additional HRK 20 million this year as direct support to the culture sector.

Speaking at a cabinet meeting, Culture Minister Nina Obuljen Koržinek said the support was envisaged for an activity that was not covered by Croatian Employment Service coronavirus relief measures and that it would come from a special culture ministry fund.

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said the decision sent the message that culture was important also in times of a pandemic and earthquakes.

Government sends parliament report on COVID measures

The government sent to parliament a report on the effects of COVID-19 measures adopted in line with the law protecting the population from infectious diseases. Parliament tasked the government to submit such reports three times a year for as long as a decision on the COVID-19 epidemic, adopted on 11 March 2020, remains in force.

Health Minister Vili Beroš said the report presented the effects of the measures in healthcare, social welfare, the economy, social activities, science and education, and home affairs.
