Sunday, 26 July 2020

Zagreb Company Creates Innovative Platform for Business Digitisation

One Zagreb company, InfoDom, contracted the provision of grants for the project entitled: The development of a new and innovative product DEP (Digital Enterprise Platform) for the digital transformation of enterprises, which is financed from the European Structural and Investment Funds in the financial period 2014-2020.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 24th of July, 2020, the total value of the project stands at a huge 9,141,226.62 kuna, of which the grant is 5,466,840.40 kuna. The project started on September the 1st, 2017 and ends on August the 31st, 2020.

Due to the rapid progress of digital technologies and the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, we're witnessing the general trend of the digital transformation of businesses. After the advent of mechanical machines, electricity and information technology, there is talk of a fourth industrial revolution that will result in the networking of digital devices. Among other things, the goal is to create smart factories through Industry 4.0 in which communication between people, machines, products and business systems will be established through digitalisation.

When it comes to Croatia, we can freely say that Croatian companies are largely lagging behind in terms of efficiency and effectiveness compared to companies operating on the global market, and this gap will soon increase if there is no investment in digitalisation. The consequence of the absence of further investments by Croatian companies would be drastic in terms of lagging behind, loss of market and company income, and consequently stagnation of the economy.

The DEP platform, built by the aforementioned Zagreb company, is primarily intended for businesses in the energy sector, which is traditionally lagging when it comes to digital transformation, and therefore the decision was made to develop a platform that will accelerate the transformation of business towards greater customer sensitivity, the better integration of business processes and achieving a more agile business model.

The solution consists of a system that will enable an interactive connection with end users and customers of energy services, through which they will have a constant flow of data on the habits and needs of their customers and will be able to incorporate them into their products and services through special modules. In this way, they will be able to adapt their services and offer them to target groups and thus achieve the best business results.

The Zagreb company's platform also includes an IMS (Innovation Management System) system that will enable businesses to quickly and continuously adapt their business model to market changes through integrated business process optimisation systems and a module for continuous innovation: products and services, business processes and entire business models.

At the heart of the platform lie modules to increase customer interaction, C2C and CESS, that provide support for managing the relationship with influencers, from identification; searching and finding influencers; establishing contact, and sending briefings and contracting relationships; through to collaboration through structured tasks related to creating, approving posts and following on social networks; all the way until the final sale.

The Zagreb company's CESS component, thanks to its advanced capabilities for monitoring the habits and needs of consumers, enables the use of such information to optimise energy consumption and the consequent reduction of CO2 emissions. On the other hand, CESS, in combination with advanced CRM components, enables end users to increase their quality of life ("Smart Living").

Digitisation in everyday life has changed not only human behaviour but also expectations. Instead of buying standardised products, customers want individual solutions to a specific problem. One of the most important goals of digital transformation is to improve the user experience, however, this isn't possible if customers can't perform their transactions in a way and at a time that suits them best. In addition to the change in the way of shopping, today's customers make significantly different decisions about buying and consuming services than they did before.

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