Sunday, 20 June 2021

Croatians Prefer Non-carbonated to Carbonated Water, Survey Shows

ZAGREB, 20 June, 2021 - As many as 89.1% of Croatians prefer tap water, 76.7% think that bottled water is not better or healthier than tap water, and 59.9% choose non-carbonated water when shopping, a survey showed. 

The survey was carried out by Ja Trgovac magazine and the Hendal market research agency in May on a representative sample of Croatian citizens above the age of 16.

It showed that 44.8% of respondents drink more than five glasses of water on average a day, 37% drink three to four glasses, 12.1% drink two to three glasses and 6.1% drink at least one glass of water a day.

As many as 89.1% prefer tap water and 10.9% more often buy bottled water, either carbonated or non-carbonated, 11.1% drink bottled water every day, 17.7% do so several times a week and 14.3% once a week, 22.3% drink bottled water several times a month, 19% do so several times a year and 15.6% never buy or drink bottled water.

As for the type of bottled water, 59.9% of respondents mostly buy or drink non-carbonated water,  36.3% prefer non-carbonated water and 3.7% like flavoured water.

Asked whether they think that bottled water is healthier or better than tap water, 76.7% of respondents said that it is not better, while 23.3% think that it is.

For more on lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 6 June 2021

Golden Basket 2020: Konzum Retailer of the Year, Cromaris Producer of the Year

ZAGREB, 6 June, 2021 - The Golden Basket for the best retailer in 2020 was awarded to the Konzum retail chain, Cromaris was the best producer, and Zagreb's was the best small retailer, the Ja Trgovac website said earlier this week.

The award ceremony for the Golden Basket, an annual award for best achievements in the retail sector and consumer goods industry, was organised by the Ja Trgovac website and magazine.

The DM Drogerie Markt won the Golden Basket for socially responsible company of the year, Datalab was technology supplier of the year, and product of the year was Argeta's Gacka trout spread, designed by experts at Atlantic Droga Kolinska.

The editor-in-chief of the Ja Trgovac magazine and website, Goran Pavlović, said that 2020 had been difficult for everyone, and the retail and consumer goods sectors had been the rare bright examples in that challenging time as they had ensured continuous supply of goods to end-users and created preconditions for a normal life, the press release said.

In those conditions it was clear that these were strategic sectors that were a prerequisite for the functioning of other industries and of the society as a whole even in the most difficult circumstances, Pavlović said.

The Golden Basket, he said, provides a platform for presenting the best examples of doing business and highlights their importance in the Croatian economy and society.

The winners were selected by a jury consisting of members from market research agencies, the Deloitte and Oikon companies, the Institute of Economics Zagreb, the Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business, sectoral associations (HGK, HUP, HOK), the Croatian Consumer Protection Association, the Commercial Trade Union of Croatia and the Ja Trgovac magazine.

For more on business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

These are the Best Products on the Shelves of Your Local Store

The marketing concept titled "Selected Product of the Year" is part of the world's largest prize for innovative products on which a decision is voted upon by consumers. The project was designed in France and operates in more than 40 of the most developed countries.
