Sunday, 16 February 2020

Tonci Stipanovic Wins Bronze Medal at Laser World Championships in Melbourne

February 16, 2020 - After five days of sailing, Croatian sailor and JK Mornar member Tonci Stipanovic won the bronze medal at the Laser World Championships in Melbourne, Australia.

Dalmatinski Portal writes that Stipanovic gave his best on the last day, which resulted in third place and the bronze medal. Tonci finished the first regatta in fourth place to achieve a much lower result, but in the last sail, he turned everything around to reach the much-desired place on the podium.

“It was a very difficult day today and the wind was blowing from the shore, which changed direction quite a bit. The first regatta saw great sailing, but the second was not good because I did not appreciate the movement of the clouds, which had a significant effect on the wind. I entered the last regatta with nine points behind the Frenchman Bernaz who held that bronze medal, but I did not lose hope, I fought to the finish line and I think that's why I was awarded a medal. I am very happy that this Olympic year has begun and I look forward to the challenges ahead,” said Tonci Stipanovic.

His younger colleague Filip Jurisic finished in tenth place, which is an outstanding result and an indication that Filip will see medals in the future.

“In the end, I have to be satisfied with how I sailed this championship; it was a good fight, but it was also the goal, to go to the maximum. The week was extremely demanding, very windy, and although it could have been better, I am satisfied with the tenth place and now I have a whole season ahead of me. I wish Tonci good luck at the Olympic Games, he has my full support,” said Filip Jurisic.

The world's best laser and gold medalist is German Philipp Buhl, and second is Matthew Wearn of Austria. A total of 42 sailors sailed in the Golden Group, and securing the third and tenth place for JK Mornar from Split is proof that a bright future awaits.

To read more about sport in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Tonci Stipanovic and Filip Jurisic Representing JK Mornar at Laser Sailing World Cup

February 11, 2020 - The Laser Sailing World Cup begins in Melbourne and runs through February 16. Two Croatian representatives, Tonci Stipanovic and Filip Jurisic, are representing JK Mornar in the race. reports that Tonci Stipanovic of Split and Filip Jurisic of Hvar are representing JK Mornar at the Laser Sailing World Cup in Melbourne, which is also an opportunity for one of them to secure a spot at the Tokyo Olympics.

"We have had excellent conditions so far and I am pleased with how we are progressing. Since we arrived in Melbourne, everything has gone to plan; there has been wind, so the training has been done under ideal conditions and we cannot wait to start the regatta. As for the fight for a spot at the Tokyo Olympics, everything is currently focused on the upcoming regatta, and after that, we will see how things are going,” said Tonci Stipanovic.

Hvar's Filip Jurisic is one of the young and promising JK Mornar lasers, and this is an ideal opportunity to show his strengths amongst fierce competition.

"I am very motivated, the preparations in Split and Malta have been great and I think we have made the most of the conditions. The weather in Melbourne is quite variable and temperatures fluctuate, but there is wind, and according to forecasts, there will be wind on the first days of the regatta,” said Filip Jurisic. reported that Stipanovic is already off to a great start, and described his success as ‘one small step’. 

Stipanovic noted that the conditions continue to impress.

“In the second race, I managed to pass two boats on the downwind, then picked up another place when Irishman Finn Lynch overstood the top mark."

The Laser World Championship lasts for six days, with 130 sailors from around the world participating. The first three days are qualifying, followed by three final days, after which we will uncover the best lasers in the world.

To read more about sport in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page.
