Friday, 21 October 2022

Climate Change and Wind Danger - Do not Build Next to Adriatic Sea

October 21, 2022 - At a two-day conference on climate change in Split on Thursday, it was pointed out that nothing should be built right next to the sea because the Adriatic area may be hit by floods that will be a consequence of climate change and a raised mean sea level.

As Poslovni reports, the Split Mediterranean Institute for Life Research (Medils) is hosting a scientific conference on climate change that brought together Croatian and Italian experts who cooperate through the European Interreg project.

"The great length of our coast is a wealth, but we may also be cursed having such a long coast, which could become an expense in the future since there will be no protection for buildings that are built right next to the sea," said Daria Povh Škugor, senior program officer of PAR/RAC centre Split, which is part of the Mediterranean Action Program network as part of the UN Environment Program.

According to her, it is necessary to stop the construction of houses and buildings by the sea because there is no way to protect them from floods from the sea, whose level will rise. Referring to an expert study on flood estimates, she singled out the Bay of Kaštela as the most threatened.

"As for the population, the area of ​​Kaštela Bay and the cities of Kaštela, Solin, Split, and Trogir are the most threatened," said Povh Škugor. She added that this is one of the reasons why the two-day conference on climate change and the risks of flooding from the sea is being held in Split. "According to the latest information, the last time, the average temperature was two degrees higher than it is today, and what we all fear, the sea level was up to five meters higher than now. It is a bell that rings the alarm," warned Povh Škugor.

Dr. Natalija Dunić from the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, which deals with research into the physical conditions of the Adriatic, reported that the average level of the Adriatic Sea has increased by 10 centimeters in the last 30 years and could rise by 70 centimeters by the year 2100.

"When you have a large variety of seas, and when cyclonic disturbances occur and when the jugo (southern wind) blows on the sea, the water will penetrate to the coast - to Diocletian's cellars, on the Riva, in Marmontova Street to the HNK building," said Dunić, emphasising that high time something be done to prevent it.

She also said that by 2100, global mean sea levels are estimated to rise by more than one metre. According to her, expert estimates are that by the year 2600, the average sea level in the world could rise by 15 meters. In this regard, she mentioned predictions about the melting of the ice from Antarctica and that the rise in the level of the world's seas could also threaten the mountains in Europe.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated Lifestyle section.

Sunday, 24 January 2021

Watch Stormy Jugo Wind Make Life Difficult for Jadrolinija Vessel

January the 24th, 2021 - The stormy Jugo wind is one of the main enemies of many a Croatian seafarer. Croatia has many types of wind, all of which cause different effects along the coast, but jugo is among the most talked about. 

Anyone who has spent any time in Dalmatia during the colder winter months will know how monstrous the stormy jugo wind can be, causing rain to lash against windows almost entirely horizontally and forcing waiters to dash outside in a panic as they attempt to rescue chairs and tables from the grasp of the harsh elements. 

In summer, the Adriatic coast looks as calm as calm could be, and few could expect to see the sparkling seawater swell and turn grey, crashing violently against the rugged coastline as the wind takes hold in the winter. For the frequent passenger ferries which operate twelve months per year in Croatia, linking the islands to each other and to the mainland, the stormy jugo wind is an eternal enemy. 

As Dalmacija Danas writes, yesterday dragged the continuation of very unstable weather into Dalmatia, and across the entire Adriatic the stormy jugo wind has been blowing moderately to very strongly.

According to the DHMZ, there have been some incredibly sharp gusts of up to 86 kilometres per hour in the City of Split, and according to the network of stations, the wind in Mosor created violent gusts of up to 94 kilometres per hour.

One onlooker, Sinisa Vickov, filmed a video showcasing the strength of the stormy jugo wind in the Port of Split, capturing how one of Jadrolinija's otherwise laege vessels, "Lastovo" successfully managed to enter the port in the face of being tossed around by the unrelenting wind.

Watch the video here.

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Tuesday, 29 December 2020

VIDEO: Split Riva Flooded and More as Hurricane-Like Jugo Winds Rip Across Dalmatia

December 29, 2020 - A look at the Split Riva flooded as hurricane-like jugo winds ripped across Dalmatia on Monday night. 

Jutarnji List reports that gusts of the stormy south wind jugo, which raged across the Adriatic on Monday, caused waves several meters high, due to which maritime traffic was partially suspended.

The famous Split Riva could not even be spared, as scenes of it flooded were shared all over local media. The waves even reached the walls of Diocletian's Palace. Fortunately, the winds weakened overnight.

Around 9 pm, the peak of wind strength in Dalmatia was recorded. The strongest gusts were measured at the Star Village Mosor, located in the city of Split, where jugo had gusts up to 140 km / h.

On Monday night, these hurricane-like winds created waves on the open sea up to six meters high in the central Dalmatia area. They were between two and four meters in the coastal area, flooding the waterfronts in even more coastal towns. The meteorological station on Marjan recorded hurricane gusts in the Split area for several hours, the State Hydrometeorological Institute in Split said.

Waves also flooded the waterfront in Kaštel Gomilica, where water entered a house in its eastern part. Firefighters intervened and pumped out water, Kaštel Gomilica reported from the DVD.

During the day, all catamaran and most ferry lines were interrupted, and due to wind gusts and several-meter-high waves, the ferry that was supposed to sail from Supetar to Split and return to Supetar was postponed last night, the head of Jadrolinija's agency in Split Jelena Ivulić confirmed.

All catamaran lines that connect Split with the central Dalmatian islands were interrupted on Monday due to unfavorable weather conditions at sea.

Ivulić stated that the ferry lines Split-Vela Luka-Lastovo, Trogir-Drvenik Mali-Drvenik Veli, Sumartin-Makarska, and Sucuraj-Drvenik were also interrupted due to bad weather.

On Tuesday, the Adriatic is expected to be partly cloudy with occasional rain, locally abundant. The interior is partly sunny and mostly dry. There may be sleet and snow in the highest mountains.

A moderate to strong southwest and south wind will blow, with occasional gusts of wind on the Adriatic, and will weaken towards the end of the day. The lowest air temperature on the coast and islands will be from 7 to 11, and the highest daily from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.

Unstable and changeable weather is expected in the coming days and occasional rain, which may be more abundant in some places on Wednesday. The wind will be mostly weak to moderate southwest and northwest, and on Friday, the south wind will strengthen again.

To read more about news in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.


Sunday, 17 November 2019

Life After a Brutal Jugo Wind: The Adriatic Sea Speaks

November 17, 2019 - A brutal jugo wind has been battering the Adriatic coast in recent days. With calm returning, some of the contents of the Adriatic have been left as souvenirs on the mainland.

I wouldn't describe myself as an environmentalist at all, but anyone with an ounce of common sense watching over the 'development' of the Adriatic coast can see that there is clearly something very wrong. 

Numbers, numbers, numbers - a record number of tourists a record number of overnight stays, apparently. And a record number (I would guess) of something that nobody is talking about officially, or putting an actual figure on. 

Environmental damage of, among other things, the main jewel that Croatia has to offer with its tourism - the pristine Adriatic Sea. 

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(Photo credit Ivica Trojenovic / Peljesac i Politika - a beach near Orebic)

As we have reported these last few days, a brutal jugo wind has hit the Adriatic coast and islands, bringing spectacular scenes for us to enjoy in the comfort of our homes around the world. 

And leaving plenty of trash in its wake, all along the coast. 

I have never been one to sensationalise things, as it is a very longterm strategy, but it is clear that all is not well with Croatian tourism's relationship with its prized jewel. The lack of sensationalism is what led me to approach a respected marine biologist academic for her views on the state of the Adriatic, and I am grateful to Dr. Ana Bratos Cetinic from the Department of Aquaculture from the University of Dubrovnik for her very in-depth and detailed interview for TCN recently - Mass Tourism, Climate & Plastic: Marine Biologist on Cost to Adriatic. Of the many thought-provoking things Dr. Ana said in the interview, the answer to how many Mediterranean monk seals were in the Adriatic is the one that stayed with me:

The Mediterranean monk seal is now considered extinct in the Adriatic, but rare sporadic observations of the monk seal have been reported. Those specimens likely belong to the populations outside of the Adriatic, which they visit. Once, there was a relatively abundant Adriatic species which has given way to increasing human pressure and deterioration of their habitats which, actually, belong to nautical tourists these days.

And while the monk seals sadly have no voice and are increasingly invisible to the point of extinction, there is one thing in the Adriatic and other seas which is increasingly abundant and visible - trash. 

Quite how much trash has been deposited by cruise ships and sailboats, in addition to that washed up by tides from Albania is not known, but in the last few days, the jugo wind gave the Adriatic Sea a chance to give us a reminder. From a tourism point of view, the 'good' news is that it happened in November, giving the authorities plenty of time to clean up before the next season. The bad news is that unless serious action is taken, this will be a much more common occurrence. 

jugo-adriatic-trash (1).jpg

This week's jugo wind trash gifts are far from unique. The above image was widely circulated in the Croatian media this week, but a little research shows it is from earlier this year. Which makes it no less shocking. 

Numbers, numbers, numbers. The Kings of Accidental Tourism are busy celebrating alleged record numbers. Would they or their relevant ministerial counterparts care to comment on the following:

1. While revenues generated FROM tourism will soon be published, I have yet to see any costs caused BY tourism - utilities, infrastructure, waste management - can we have some transparent information, please?

2. We hear great news about tourism expanding, less so about infrastructure built to cope with that increased demand. Can we have more transparency, including information on waste treatment and what we are pouring into the Adriatic?

3. Is there a plan to deal with the environmental effects of this huge increase in tourism? Can we see it if it exists?

4. Is there a study on the benefits of cruise ship tourism versus the environmental costs? Can we see it if it exists?

5. If the answer questions 3 and 4 above is no, why not? 


Thursday, 14 November 2019

VIDEO: Stormy Jugo Batters Mljet National Park, Damage Inflicted

As Morski/Daina Dabelic writes on the 13th of November, 2019, hurricane-like storms and a fierce jugo wind that has been giving the Dalmatian coast an intense beating over the last few days has unfortunately knocked down a large number of trees in Mljet National Park.

The nature conservation services of NP Mljet, the Montokuc DVD and the Mljet JVP (fire departments) were engaged in trying to keep on top of and clear the devastated trees yesterday and that action has continued on into today in order to attempt to keep roads and promenades open and clear, especially in case of emergencies, the likelihood of which is of course heightened in these adverse conditions.

''Our services will have a lot of work to do in the coming days as well, given the number of trees that have been taken down, while only the trees which have fallen on the most essential areas are currently being removed.

Stormy jugo winds have also dragged in large amounts of waste from the seashore, which will all need to be rehabilitated over the coming months. The damage to the coastal walls and docks will be assessed after the withdrawal of the sea, as will the ecological dam in the Soline channel, which protects Mljet's lakes from the pollution of waste being dragged in from out at sea.

Major damage to the vessels which belong to this Mljet-based institution and the island's inhabitants has been prevented by great efforts and the 24-hour on-call duty shift from Mljet's park ranger and the technical service.

''We're afraid that such storms, and as such necessary interventions like these will become more and more frequent as a consequence of climate change that we're now experiencing, and each of us should think about how we can help to try to ensure a better tomorrow together,'' they say from the beloved Mljet National Park.

Watch the video of the intense storms here:

Make sure to follow our dedicated lifestyle page for much more.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

VIDEOS: Stormy Jugo Wind Rips through Dalmatia, Chaos on Roads

November 13, 2019 - A stormy, hurricane-like jugo wind whirled along the coast from Tuesday morning, especially in Dalmatia, where 134 km per hour winds were recorded at the Marjan weather station.

By early Tuesday afternoon, the Split Public Fire Department (JVP) had a dozen interventions, mainly removing broken trees from roads or property. Their colleagues from the Volunteer Fire Company (DVD) Split and DVD Zrnovnica were on the ground answering calls. 

The Civil Protection Directorate announced late Tuesday afternoon that about 15 vehicles were damaged by falling trees and branches and other objects. Given that, according to the forecast, even stronger winds were expected at the end of the day, citizens were advised to park their cars in protected areas, if possible, to avoid damage, to be cautious when driving, and monitor the weather. In the case of strong winds, citizens were advised not to leave their homes if they did not have to. 

In addition to the storm in Split, the sea in Omis rose and flooded much of the coast and the town square. The same happened in Trogir, Ciovo, and Kastela, where the sea level had risen by several centimeters.



On Tuesday, 134 km per hour winds were measured at the Marjan weather station, which is one of the strongest impacts since official meteorological measurements were recorded. Namely, it is the third-highest officially recorded in Split in the last 60 years.

The strongest wind so far was measured on February 1, 1986, when it was 149 miles per hour.


"On Tuesday, the strongest southern wind in Croatia was measured in Dubrovnik at 142 km/h. This storm is linked to a deep cyclone centered over southern Italy and moving in an unusual northward direction and we can expect it to enter the Adriatic on Wednesday," said Rade Popadic, adding that this storm was one of the most pronounced in recent years.



On Wednesday morning, Split was were greeted by fierce thunderstorms and heavy rain. The streets of Split are flooded with traffic beginning to build. 

Some say that the worst situation is at the entrance to Split, at Domovinskog Rata street, though traffic has also formed at Ulice Slobode and Poljicka. There are no traffic lights on Vukovarska Street, which has caused great difficulties for drivers. 



Several maritime lines have been interrupted because of the wind, including:

Ferries: Brestova-Porozina, Lopar-Valbiska, Ubli-Vela Luka-Split, Stari Grad-Split, Vis-Split, Drvenik Veli-Drvenik Mali -Trogir, Rogač-Split, Zadar – Brbinj, Supetar-Split, Sumartin-Makarska, Sućuraj-Drvenik, Ploče-Trpanj, Orebić-Dominče, Prapratno-Sobra, Dubrovnik-Lopud-Suđurađ;

Boats: Zadar-Rivanj-Sestrunj-Zverinac-Božava-Brbinj, Korčula-Orebić, Šibenik-Zlarin-Prvić Luka-Šepurine-Vodice, Milna-Rogač-Split, Komiža-Biševo, Mali Lošinj-Unije-Susak, 415 Vrgada-Pakoštane-Biograd, Dubrovnik-Koločep-Lopud-Suđurađ, Zadar-Sali-Zaglav-Zadar,Zadar-Mali Iž-Veli Iž-Mala Rava-Rava;

Catamarans: Mali Lošinj-Cres-Rijeka, Lun-Tovarnele (Novalja )-Rab-Rijeka, Ubli-Vela Luka-Hvar-Split, Vis-Milna-Split, Jelsa-Bol-Split, Ist – Zapuntel – Brgulje – Molat – Zadar, Zadar-Sali-Zaglav-Bršanj-Zadar, Korčula-Hvar-Split, Vis-Split, Zadar-Premuda-Silba-Olib, Dubrovnik-Mljet-Lastovo, Žirje-Kaprije-Šibenik, Milna-Rogač-Split.

If you can, stay indoors today! 

Sources: Slobodna Dalmacija, Dalmacija Danas 

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.


Tuesday, 12 November 2019

VIDEO: Watch Incredible Footage of Stormy Jugo Wind on Susac!

As Morski writes on the 12th of November, 2019, lighthouse keepers from Susac sent the portal a video taken this morning showing what they've been witnessing from their positions as the stormy jugo wind gives the land and the sea a thorough battering.

''Good morning, greetings from the Susac lighthouse,'' say the lighthouse keepers from Susac briefly, adding that in the afternoon, they're expecting orkansko jugo (an even stronger southeastern wind that ravages the Adriatic).

Indeed, if the stormy jugo looks like this on Susac, we can only imagine what it will look like when the waves climb over five, and sometimes even over metres in height, with incredibly strong gusts of south up to seventy knots, as forecasters have announced for this afternoon. Fortunately, lighthouses are very safe at about 100 metres above sea level, but sailors and other boaters are advised not to go out to sea at all.

It's worth recalling that owing to the stormy jugo that is currently giving parts of the coast a beating, a red meteo alarm has been activated for almost the whole of the Croatian Adriatic, which means that the weather is dangerous.

Owing to the adverse weather conditions which are for the most part expected to worsen before long, there have been maritime traffic alterations and interruptions. At the time of this article having been written, the interruptions at sea for ferry lines and other vessels are as follows:

Ferry lines: Sućuraj-Drvenik, Split-Vela Luka-Ubli, Šibenik-Zlarin-Kaprije-Žirje

Shipping lines: Zadar-Preko, Milna-Rogac-Split, Komiža-Biševo, Mali Losinj-Unije-Susak

Catamaran lines: Korčula-Hvar-Split, Ubli - Vela Luka - Hvar - Split, Vis-Split, Split-Bol-Jelsa, Zadar-Premuda-Silba-Olib, Dubrovnik-Mljet-Lastovo

Watch the video of the jugo throwing all of its strength at Susac here:

Make sure to follow our dedicated lifestyle page for much more. If you're interested in jugo, why not read this and give Total Croatia Sailing a follow.
