Monday, 24 February 2020

Croatia Gay Effigy Condemned: MP Files Criminal Charges Against Carnival

February 24, 2020 - MP Arsen Bauk SDP (Social Democratic Party) of Croatia has announced that he will file a criminal complaint against the organizers of the "Bakova povorka", which took place in the town of Imotski, at the local police station for burning an effigy of a gay couple. Zoran Milanović, President of Croatia, has demanded an apology from organizers and an appropriate response from the relevant legal institutions.

Numerous comments have appeared on social networks condemning the Imotski carnival (Bakova povorka), where an effigy of a same-sex couple holding a child was burned at the ceremony to widespread cheers. The child was presented in the form of SDP MP Nenad Stazić with a five-pointed star (Yugoslavia) on his forehead, according to Ana Roksandić/RTL Dnevnik on February 24, 2020.

Bauk to File Complaint Under Article 325 Croatia Criminal Code

Arsen Bauk has announced that he will file a criminal complaint against Milivoj Đuka, the organizer of the carnival parade, at the Imotski Police Station on Monday for the offense noted under Article 325 of the Criminal Code of Croatia.

There is a tradition of masks in Dalmatia, in which the people normally express their dissatisfaction with powerful political and social figures. However, the lynching of minority groups runs contrary to that tradition.

Croatia President Demands Appropriate Response for Shameful Event

Croatia President Zoran Milanović also responded to the "shameful event" on Monday morning.

"The symbolic burning of same-sex partners with a foster child in Imotski is a sad, inhumane and totally unacceptable act in the guise of the 'Bakova povorka' festivities. The organizers who staged this shameful event, in the name of tradition, deserve the strongest public condemnation because of the hatred they have demonstrated toward for others. Intolerance and inhumanity are not and will not be a Croatian tradition. I am seeking their public apology and the approptiate response reaction from the relevant institutions, especially as many children watched this event, thus witnessing the spread of hatred and inciting violence," he wrote on Facebook.

Former Croatia Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor reacted on Twitter:


"These arsonists in Imotski would set fire to all of us who are different for various reasons. They have no mercy on others because they have neither love nor hearts and do not care what kind of people they are. And the minister is still incompetent," she wrote yesterday.

MP Bojan Glavašević also took to social networks to defend a same-sex couple, Ivo Šegota and Mladen Kožić, who want to adopt children.


Croatia Gay Couple More Patriotic Than Imotski ‘Arsonists’

“Mladen and Ivo are more patriotic, more courageous, and more of a (positive) example for the future of Croatia than those who burned their characters, and the character of the child they wish to provide a home for. Change is what all these "arsonists" are truly afraid of. And change is coming. Within it, Mladen and Ivo will find happiness, not the arsonists,” he wrote in a Twitter post.


Kožić: 'I fear for all our friends who are already living with children in Croatia'

Mladen Kožić spoke to Hrvoje Krešić/N1 on Monday:

"This time I feel bad not only for myself, I am not afraid for either Ivo or myself, I fear for all our friends who are already living with children in Croatia," Kožić said.

"We know two fathers with a daughter in our first neighborhood and I feel bad for them because I cannot imagine how it must be for them now, and how they will explain to their children what exactly has happened," he added.


"Fortunately, there are no other problems in Imotski other than same-sex marriage and adoption of children, people are living so well there that all the gastarbeiters from this white world are packing and returning to their native Imotski, the people in Imotski have it so good, so good !!!", one Twitter user observed sarcastically. Milivoj Đuka, the parade's organizer, spoke to Dnevnik/HRT about the mass exodus from his hometown on June 21, 2015. 

Interview with Đuka begins at 1:05.

Young Croatians Fleeing Imotski, Living Among Same Sex Couples Abroad

Thousands of young Croatians are fleeing to countries like Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Austria where gay marriage and adoption are legal, and are living among openly gay and lesbian couples with children.

Another user emphasized that, according to carnival tradition, culprits should be burned for adverse behavior, not for adopting a child.


“According to tradition the carnival is traditionally an event to set fire to the culprit for all the troubles of the past year, not an adopted child.

My Imotski. Shame on you,” the user responded.

Act of hate speech?

Another user wondered if the gay couple effigy burning at the Imotski carnival was an act of hate speech.


“Imotski 2020. They are still laughing when these alternative families of Rainbow colors fall into shambles. Isn't this hate speech?” the Twitter user asked.

The effigy of the gay couple is set on fire at 1:41:15 | Boško Ćosić Photography

See yesterday's Total Croatia News article about the effigy burning here. Follow our Politics page, Lifestyle page and this page for updates on this story and the state of LGBT rights in Croatia.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Croatia Town Burns Gay Couple Effigy at Parade: Imotski Residents Cheer

February 23, 2020 - Bakova povorka, the pinnacle of a 150-year tradition of carnival festivities in Imotski, Croatia was engulfed by scandal on Sunday afternoon when enthusiastic residents set fire to an effigy of a gay couple to widespread cheers.

Adopted Child Had Yugoslav Star on Forehead

Imotski residents chose to feature a gay couple with an adopted child, which had a five-pointed star on his forehead (resembling that of the Yugoslav flag) for the central carnival figure. They eventually set that effigy on fire and burned it to the ground to the cheers of onlookers.

“Like it or not, but this is abnormal for us, but everyone has the right to be whatever they want,” they proclaimed to onlookers.


It’s also worth noting that the child doll, with the five-pointed star on his forehead and being held by the effigy of the gay couple, had the face of SDP (Social Democratic Party) MP Nenad Stazić. Earlier this year, it Stazić lent his support to same sex couples wishing to be foster parents. He also indicated that children were more at risk in the company of pedophile priests than under the care of openly gay foster parents. The effigy of the gay couple was followed by a group of children from the local kindergarten in the parade.


‘We are a conservative society’

"My head is spinning from this culture of death, and since my body is ailing, this year let’s set this grotesque family with baby Nenad Stazić on fire," the announcer proclaimed. Then, “Play the music" was heard as they ignited the effigy to wild cheers and applause.

When Slobodna Dalmacija asked Milivoj Đuka, president of the "Bako Ceremony Cultural Society" (KD Bakove svečanosti), for comment on February 23, 2020; he explained:

“We are a conservative society, and are sticking by tradition. Give a child to a mother, as the saying goes. We think this is the right thing to do,” Đuka claimed.

In an interview for Imotski Online on February 7, 2020; the festival's organizer had previously indicated that the main character of the parade would remain a secret.

"I can't reveal it to you. I can only say that everyone will understand who and what it is about," Đuka pointed out.


Milivoj Đuka | Facebook

According to a recent poll conducted by HRT (Croatia Radio Television); 63.7 percent of respondents are against allowing same-sex couples to be foster parents.


Croatia Parade Included Masks of Elvis Presley, Cleopatra, Josipa Lisac

Đuka made sure that there were as many masks as possible in the parade, all of which were made in homes throughout the town. Visitors also saw Nutcrackers, Cellists, Elvis Presley and his band, Flowers as well as individual masks of Cleopatra, and Pirates. In addition, there were homemade renderings of Croatia diva, Josipa Lisac, inspired by her performance at the inauguration of the new President.

The parade featured groups of children dressed like little lambs from the Kindergarten Ball, students from Imotski elementary schools, and many others.


Members of the HPO Gradske glazbe Imotski (HPO Imotski Town Music Group), performed cheerful carnival songs for more than a thousand Imotski residents and their guests.

The effigy of the gay couple is set on fire at 1:41:15 | Boško Ćosić Photography

UPDATE February 24, 2020: Croatian leaders and citizens condemn effigy burning. MP Arsen Bauk files charges against event organizers.

Follow our Lifestyle page for updates on this developing story. More information on the "Bako Ceremony Cultural Society" (KD Bakove svečanosti) can be found on their website here and Facebook here.
