Friday, 26 November 2021

Social Enterprise Da-Mogu Opens Webshop for Knitted Hats

ZAGREB, 26 Nov 2021 -  After conducting a successful crowdfunding campaign, the social enterprise Da-Mogu has launched a webshop at where knitted hats can be bought, the company reported on Friday.

The crowdfunding campaign was recently conducted to help persons with low employability, notably those most affected by the coronavirus pandemic, find employment, specifically by knitting, "which empowers and lifts spirits."

Since the launching of this initiative, 19 knitters have joined to design caps and launch production.

The enterprise deals with handicrafts and is part of a slow fashion movement aimed at caring for social aspects, quality material, protecting mankind, the environment and animals.

It advocates employing people who have difficulty in finding employment such as the disabled, elderly and people seeking first employment.

The crowdfunding campaign has ensured finances to employ two disabled knitters and by exiting on the market the enterprise hopes to employ other knitters.

The project has included beneficiaries at the Zagreb centre for the elderly and disabled and so far ten knitters from continental Croatia have been included in the project. Several professional knitters contribute by providing additional training and stockpiles in cases of increased demand.

"With time we hope to include knitters from other areas of Croatia, and perhaps beyond, the enterprise director Tatjana Aćimović said.

For more news, CLICK HERE.
