Sunday, 27 December 2020

Podravka Makes Yet Another Donation to Koprivnica General Hospital

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has seen businesses, even those who are themselves struggling, step forward and selflessly help out those who are working tirelessly on the front lines of the battle against the spread of the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. Podravka, a well known and much loved Croatian company, has made a generous donation to the Koprivnica General Hospital to help them in their fight against the new pathogen.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, as part of its socially responsible business and continuous support to those in need across the community, and especially due to the pressures caused by the pandemic, Podravka handed over valuable donations to the Koprivnica General Hospital, for which it set aside an impressive 635,000 kuna in total.

The last in a series is the donation of respirators and five devices for high oxygen flow therapy used to treat the most severe clinical pictures among COVID-19 patients, all of which was presented to the director of the Koprivnica General Hospital, Dr. med. Mato Devcic.

It's worth noting that recently, Podravka also donated funds to the same hospital for the purchase of incubators, examination beds and cabinets for the needs of the pediatrics department, as well as other much needed and highly appreciated equipment.

Part of the pediatrics department of the Koprivnica General Hospital is now decorated with playful wall coverings from which some favourite characters of Croatian kids smile, and the equipment is adapted to children of different ages. Additionally, the newly renovated common area of ​​the department is now equipped with various fun and educational toys, board games and picture books.

"Feeling for the needs of the community is an indispensable part of the way we do business, especially when it comes to the needs of healthcare institutions that care for the sick and which, due to the current health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, carry the greatest burden of all. In this way, we want to contribute to their daily exceptional efforts in treating those who are sick. We're especially sensitive to the needs of the youngest in our society and we're glad that in these challenging times, with our donation to the pediatrics department of the Koprivnica General Hospital, we can help to procure all of the necessary equipment and provide children with a space that encourages them to get through their difficult days in hospital,'' stated Marin Pucar, President of the Management Board of Podravka.

''The Koprivnica General Hospital is grateful to Podravka for the multiple valuable donations it has provided that will greatly help us in treating coronavirus patients, but also improve the quality of children's stay in the pediatric ward of our hospital. This is an example of how, with a good idea, the quality of the healthcare system can be influenced by the economic segment,'' said Mato Devcic, MD, the director of the Koprivnica General Hospital.

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Saturday, 5 December 2020

Carlsberg Croatia Donates Respirator to Koprivnica General Hospital

December the 5th, 2020 - The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has seen healthcare facilities, hospitals and those working in them stretched to their capacities. As such, Carlsberg Croatia is just yet another company in a line of those donating equipment to hospitals, this time the donation is a respirator to the Koprivnica General Hospital.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Carlsberg Croatia recently donated a mobile respirator to the Koprivnica General Hospital to help doctors' efforts to provide the best possible care to patients suffering from the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. With the delivery of the accompanying donation letter, the donation became official. The Koprivnica General Hospital is thus richer for a mobile respirator worth around 50,000 kuna in total.

''Donations of hospital equipment aren't something we usually do, but the situation in northern Croatia is so serious and we felt that we must do what we can to help doctors in their difficult and serious task. We sincerely hope that the severe cases in which this device is used will be minimal. Every new patient who needs help in order to breathe is news that worries and saddens us all, and that's why it's important to take care of yourself and the people around you,'' the President of the Board of Carlsberg Croatia, Marcin Burdach, stated.

Carlsberg Croatia joined the efforts to protect Koprivnica's residents from the coronavirus pandemic earlier this year when it donated disinfectant to the city. Today, the brewery is going yet another step further and has decided to donate medical equipment.

''I'd like to thank Carlsberg Croatia for this extremely valuable donation which will help us care for patients who have developed severe respiratory symptoms as part of their COVID-19 infection. This donation is an expression of Carlsberg's exceptional understanding and awareness of all aspects of the COVID -19 epidemic,'' said Dr. Mato Devcic, the director of the Koprivnica General Hospital.

The donated respirator is already in use, which is why the CEO of Carlsberg Croatia and the director of the Koprivnica General Hospital said that taking proper caution and looking after our health are the most important things we can do in these unprecedented and dire circumstances.

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