Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Kaštelor-Labinci, Motovun, and Veliko Trojstvo in the Race for UNWTO Awards

September 21, 2021 - Three Croatian municipalities and villages, two in Istria and one in Bjelovar, are among the candidates for the novel initiative of the World Tourism Organization to promote rural tourism, and this is why Kaštelor-Labinci, Motovun, and Veliko Trojstvo will compete in the UNWTO Awards.

With the aim of improving the role of rural tourism, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has launched a pilot initiative "Best Tourism Villages", reports HrTurizam.hr. As part of the activities, UNWTO member states, until 15 September, had the opportunity to apply for up to three candidates: villages or municipalities. They will present their places as drivers of sustainable change in the social, economic, and environmental aspects. The Municipality of Kaštelir-Labinci, the Municipality of Motovun from Istria, and the Municipality of Veliko Trojstvo from Bjelovar-Bilogora County were elected as Croatian representatives.

The initiative includes three pillars and two awards. Villages that are an outstanding example of a rural tourism destination and that are committed to sustainability in all its forms - economic, social, and environmental - will be awarded the label "Best Tourist Villages of the UNWTO". Villages that do not fully meet the criteria for the label will be provided with an upgrade program to support the UNWTO and their partners in working in problem areas. Finally, a network will be created that will provide space for the exchange of experiences and good practices, learning and creating new opportunities for development. It will include representatives of villages awarded the “Best Tourist Village” label by the UNWTO, villages participating in the Upgrade Program as well as experts, public and private sector partners engaged in the promotion of rural development tourism.

The aim of the UNWTO Awards is to strengthen the role of tourism as a positive force for transformation, rural development, and community well-being. It seeks to increase the sector's contribution to reducing regional inequalities and combating the depopulation of rural areas. It also seeks to enhance the role of tourism in valuing and protecting rural villages, along with landscapes, knowledge systems, biological and cultural diversity, local values, ​​and activities, including gastronomy.

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Wednesday, 3 March 2021

President Milanović Attends Celebration of 100th Anniversary of Labin Republic

ZAGREB, 3 March 2021 - President Zoran Milanović on Tuesday took part in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Labin Republic, held on the occasion of the historic event of 2 March 1921, when the miners of Labin rebelled against the Italian administration in Istria.

On Tuesday evening, Milanović participated in a ceremony at which the permanent lighting of the steel mining tower "Šoht" at "Pijacal", a protected complex of industrial cultural heritage, was put into operation.

The Labin Republic was a short-lived self-governing republic of Istrian Croats, formed during the mining uprising in the area of Labin in Croatia, from 2 March to 8 April 1921. The miners of Labin rebelled against the Italian administration and went on a 37-day strike and organised self-government over the mine.

The event, which historians describe as the first organised uprising against emerging fascism in Europe, was violently quelled on 8 April 1921, and at the place where it all began, Krvova Placa at Vinež, wreaths were laid by President Zoran Milanović, Labin Mayor Valter Glavičić, the Honour Guard Battalion of the Croatian Armed Forces and other delegations.

At the formal session of the Labin City Council, which was the central part of the programme, it was said that the Labin Republic was actually the first organised anti-fascist uprising which every inhabitant of Istria is proud of.

"Today, when everything is more connected than ever, to recall that in 1921 here on the east coast of the Istrian peninsula, our miners created anti-fascism as an universal value, that is a great reason to be proud," said Labin Mayor Glavičić.

President Milanović said, speaking about the hard labour of miners, that it was good that people today no longer had to do such a hard, arduous and unhealthy job in which they could get sick or get killed.

"Our people of Labin stood up and started fighting for their rights and a life worthy of man," said Pula Mayor Boris Miletić.

He underscored that everyone in Istria was obliged to "defend the progreessive values of the modern world".

The City of Labin and municipalities in the area of Labinština will hold a series of events until 8 April to commemorate one of the most important historic events that took place on the Istrian peninsula in the 20th century -- the uprising of Labin miners and the first organised act of anti-fascist resistance in the world, which, it was said, paved the way for Istria and Europe towards anti-fascism as the foundation of the European Union and the European civilisation.

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Epic Imagination! How Converted Mines Below Labin Istria Will Look

December 13, 2020 – An incredible reimagining of the mines that run deep below the centre of Labin Istria – the two-kilometre long complex will be accessed spectacularly via a see-through elevator

French writer Jules Verne liked to venture deep. The second most-translated author ever to have lived (between number one, Agatha Christie and number three, William Shakespeare – both British), his stories were quite often regarded as fantasy tales for children, owing to the poor, early transference of his French text into English. When read in his native tongue, he fantastical imagination, perhaps the roots of all science fiction, are better expressed. This is plainly evidenced in two of his most famous books, 20, 000 Leagues Under The Sea and Journey To The Centre Of The Earth.


Jules Verne's inspiration can be found in physical form on the streets of Zagreb, where the 20, 000 Milja bar entertains with its submarine-themed décor. Though without any formal attribution, the project about to be undertaken by the town of Labin Istria could just as well be inspired by his other bestseller. Because, just as Jules Verne's journey to the centre of the earth was like no fantasy previously expressed, a limitless imagination seems to have gone into how the mines below Labin Istria will look once converted.


Newly revealed images display a visitor's space like nowhere else in Croatia. Though not quite at the centre of the earth, the new attraction lies some 166 metres below ground. The thrilling experience of a visit is set to begin before you even reach its entrance – access will be gained by a see-through elevator (lift).


The attraction is set to be divided into five modules – entrance and information area, an art gallery for exhibitions and multimedia installations, an escape room entertainment area, an education zone with 360° projections, a gastro module, centring a wine cellar ( featuring local wines from Istria, which are among the most-prized of those produced in Europe – the mine conditions being perfect for their storage) and a gift shop where souvenirs from local producers, arts & craftsmen will be available.


The sprawling complex is set to extend some two kilometres into the former mines of Labin Istria. That's no short walk! But, part of the route is being designed as a train ride, although the last section must be done on foot, due to the specific conditions of the tunnel.


The town of Labin Istria was once the centre of mining endeavours in Croatia. At the height of its operations, some four mines operated in Labin Istria. In early 1921, the town was the scene of a miners' strike which quickly grew into an anti-fascist rebellion, a movement essential to securing Croatia's future independent state. It was the first of its kind and resulted in the declaration of the short-lived Labin Republic (also known as the Albona Republic). This particular mine, located in downtown Labin, was the last to close and did so in 1989. 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the Labin Republic, an anti-fascist struggle for which the town is extremely proud. It is hoped that works on the mine conversion will begin then.

All images © Level 52 / 3DX Studio / City of Labin

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Labin Factory Workers Get Pay Rise Instead of Sack in Company Turnaround

One Labin factory goes from the worrying signs of closure to contracting brand new jobs in a dramatic yet welcome turnaround.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 30th of January, 2019, back in October last year, the Syndicate of Istria, Kvarner and Dalmatia warned that after five years of successfully dealing with mobile homes for camps, there would be a possibility of shutting down the CR Abitare factory in Labin, Istria.

Instead of getting the sack from the company, which at one point looked like an unfortunate yet very likely option, the workers of the Labin-based company CR Abitare, who produce mobile homes for camps for some of the largest tourist companies in the Republic of Croatia, received a higher salary.

The reason for the rising levels of anxiety which began back in 2018 when the possibility of the factory's closure arose, was that the production hall had gradually begun to empty, and the workers, twenty of them permanently employed and thirty seasonal workers, had no information.

But the formerly enfeebled company, according to a report from Glas Istre, has continued to operate, and unlike other large companies that have made headlines lately for all the wrong reasons, its workers have been being continually paid their salaries all the time, and the amount has risen by nine percent since the 1st of January, 2019.

In November last year, several new orders for mobile homes were contracted by the Labin company, which are now in the process of production, with delivery expected over the coming days. According to reassuring employer announcements, further orders are also expected.

Although there are currently no new jobs on offer at the Labin factory as it gets back on its feet remarkably quickly, it is to be expected that an increase in the production plan will naturally create the conditions for that at some point or another.

Make sure to stay up to date with our dedicated business page for much more.

Monday, 17 December 2018

Traditional Croatian Recipes: Labinski Krafi

December 17, 2018 — Back when the basic ingredients of this recipe were scarce and costly, the famous Labinski krafi were traditionally prepared only for the most festive occasions like weddings and christenings. Today, this delectable pasta filled with an aromatic cheese mixture is an essential part of the common Istrian Christmas feast menu.

Labinski krafi are basically sweet ravioli but what is special about this particular variety is that in Labin, krafi are served two ways: either with a savory ragù (meat-based sauce commonly served with pasta) or as a dessert.

This recipe might seem a little daunting but if you have a pasta maker that you've used at least once, you are only a few steps away from successfully making one of the most delicious Istrian specialties.

Pasta dough
300g flour (type 00)
pinch of salt
1 whole egg
2 egg yolks
water, as needed

300g young cheese, grated
200g matured cheese, grated
150g granulated sugar
1/2 cup rum-soaked raisins
1 whole lemon zest
1 whole egg
2 egg whites
1 tsp vanilla essence
pinch of salt
breadcrumbs, if needed

1) To make the pasta dough, use a fork or tips of your fingers to incorporate the ingredients together until everything is well combined. Start kneading and work the dough until you activate the gluten in the flour and the dough becomes elastic.

Though kneading is no easy work, there's really no secret to it. Basically, you are done when you develop upper body of a heavyweight boxer or when you notice you have a smooth, lump-free ball of dough; whichever comes first.

Use plastic wrap to cover the dough and put it in the fridge to rest for at least 30 minutes before you use it. Meanwhile, you can make the filling.

Tip: As a rule of thumb, for a classic egg pasta dough, most recipes will instruct you to use 1 whole egg per every 100 grams of flour. However, in this recipe, don't be tempted to use 3 whole eggs because extra egg whites will make the dough too chewy and springy, whereas using only yolks gives it a nice soft texture.

2) To make the filling, combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix well using a fork. If the mixture seems a bit runny, add some breadcrumbs.

As for the cheese, you can use either cow or sheep cheese, or a combination of both. I prefer to use 300 grams of young, hard sheep cheese, grated more coarsely, and 200 grams of aged, parmesan-like cow cheese, finely grated.

3) Here comes the fun part! Dust your worktop with flour so that the pasta sheets don't stick to it. Clamp the pasta maker to the side of your worktop, and start feeding the dough through the rollers.

Start with the thickest setting, and gradually adjust the rollers until you get a thin pasta sheet suitable for ravioli. Repeat until you've used all the dough. You can make as many sheets you like, but making them in pairs is more convenient.

Labinski krafi filling Snapseed

4) To make the krafi, place an equal amount of filling every 5cm (see photo above), cover it with the second pasta sheet, and lightly press around each portion of the filling to force the air out (see photo below). This step can be skipped, but if you leave the air locked inside, it will make your krafi look all wrinkly once they're cooked. Finally, use a classic ravioli stamp-cutter (or a glass) to cut out the krafi.

5) Bring a pot of salted water to a rolling boil, and cook them. This shouldn't take longer than 2-3 minutes; krafi are finished cooking when they float to the surface.

Traditionally, if enjoyed as a dessert, Labinski krafi are served either simply sprinkled with some more grated cheese or coated in buttered breadcrumbs, but since you've already done all this work, why not take it up a notch and make a delicious caramel-based sauce with coarsely ground toasted walnuts? Dobar tek!

Labinski krafi filled

Stay tuned for more delicious recipes by following TCN's gourmet page.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Labin: Explore the Stunning Scenery of this Istrian Hilltop Town in New Promo Video

A new promotional video for Labin has been released. We’re pretty sure you’ll be taking a trip to the town after watching this one...
