Thursday, 3 February 2022

Zagreb Park Named after Soviet Space Dog 'Laika', First Living Creature to Orbit Earth

February 3, 2022 - One Zagreb park is paying tribute to Laika, the first living creature to orbit the earth. Introducing the Laika Dog Park. 

This is how we pay tribute to the first earthly being in space, reminding us of all animals that lost their lives for science.

As Jutarnji/VauMijau writes, the meadow behind the popular buildings in Zagreb called Rakete (Rockets), located in Vrbnik, has always been used by dog owners and their shaggy family members for various activities. Last year, the trail was upgraded with the addition of benches and tables that made the meadow suitable for social activities. However, the meadow, never really got a name.


Location of the park, Screenshot: Google Maps

That will soon change. The Cvjetnica local committee voted and concluded that the meadow is finally being named. While it was not an easy decision, it will be named after the Soviet space dog, Laika.

On November 3rd, 1957, Laika became the first living creature launched into orbit. Laika’s fate as a space dog was short-lived and sad. Picked up from the street, it was first named Kudrjavka (Curly). It was chosen among ten candidates because it showed exceptional calmness during the examination. The Sputnik passenger cabin allowed it to lie down and stand.

We do not know if another park, street, or public area in Zagreb and Croatia is named after an animal but in this way, we pay tribute to the first earthly being sent to space, while reminding us of all animals that lost their lives because of science.

The location of the park is suitable and symbolic as it is located along Slavonian Avenue behind the skyscrapers called Rakete (Rockets), as a symbol of going to space, and leans on Gagarin’s Way, named after the first cosmonaut in space Yuri Gagarin.

Bravo for MO Cvjetnica! Woof - woof - members of “Trnje je naše” initiative wrote on Facebook.

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