Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Croatia to Host Largest Lions Club Regatta in the World

The biggest Lions club regatta ever to be organized in the entire world will be taking place in Croatia in the days to come, April 24th until 27th around the island of Murter and Kornati.

28 foreign teams (over 50 teams total!), consisting of more than 500 participants in the regatta will set sail from the Hramina Marina on Murter and sail around Kornati archipelago, sending into the world the image of sportsmanship, companionship, empathy and helping one another. In addition to the excitement of the sporting competition, many other fun activities will be organized for the participants - such as the presentations of the dishes from the participants' home countries, costumed parties, presentations by the local restaurateurs, winemakers and family farms. Those are organized by the local communities and Murter Tourist Board.

This regatta will be a part of the tradition of the humanitarian "Sailing Against Drugs" action by the Lions Club, and in the past 21 years it has become a symbol of prevention of drug abuse and helping those in need. And with its over 500 participants, it will be the biggest sports event organized by the Lions Club International in 2019. The teams participating are arriving from Japan, Germany, Estonia, Albania, Sweden and many other European countries.

Lions Club International is one of the world's largest humanitarian organisations, with over a million and a half members, working under the slogan "We Serve", helping the blind, preventing youth violence, feeding the hungry and fight global epidemics such as diabetes. They are also very active in Croatia, and the local chapter has helped organise this year's Lions Club regatta in Croatia.
