Thursday, 11 August 2022

Maritime Safety Action Results in 421 Thousand in Fines

August 11, 2022 – A safe tourist season is a good tourist season. Safety at sea is just as important as any other kind. A significant maritime safety action was conducted on Wednesday, August 10, resulting in hefty fines.

The Adriatic Sea remains safe, as the officials of the port authorities gave out fines in the total amount of HRK 421 thousand to violators who did not respect the prescribed sailing speeds in the unauthorized sea area.

As reported by Poslovni, as part of the "Safe navigation 2022 II" action in all port authorities, 368 inspections were carried out and 157 violations of regulations were found, for which the violators were fined HRK 421,000, as announced by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure.

The second coordinated action of enhanced navigation surveillance lasted on Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. across the Adriatic coast.

Eighty officers with 14 vessels from eight harbor master's offices and associated branches performed 360 inspections, finding 157 violations of regulations, based on the Maritime Code and the Rulebook on the Safety of Maritime Navigation.

Special attention was put on the inspection of passenger ships in national navigation, intended for one-day trips and multi-day cruises, whereby the validity of the ship's administration, the number of crew members, and certificates of qualification of the crew members were closely monitored.

Also, the officials of the port authorities gave out fines in the total amount of HRK 421,000 to violators who did not respect the prescribed sailing speeds in the unauthorized sea area.

Port authorities will continue to implement actions to increase the safety of navigation in the summer season, while maritime traffic is intensified, primarily with the aim of preventing maritime accidents and incidents, that is, sanctioning violators, which indicates the necessity of observing safety regulations during navigation, the Ministry of the Sea traffic and infrastructure points out.

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