Tuesday, 4 May 2021

10% of Mayoral Candidates Running Unopposed in May 16 Local Elections

ZAGREB, 4 May, 2021 - About 10% of the total of 555 towns and municipalities in Croatia already know who their mayors will be over the next four years because they are sole candidates running in the 16 May local elections.

The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) can already claim victory in four towns and 44 municipalities, as shown by the data on mayoral nominations available on the Electoral Commission's website.

This was also noted by the HDZ leader, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, on Monday. "At this point the HDZ has already won in 48 local government units, which speaks of the strength of the HDZ candidates and the strength of the party," he said.

The ruling party has thus already secured mayoral posts in four towns - Pakrac, Skradin, Nin and Hrvatska Kostajnica. The majority of municipalities where the HDZ candidates are running unopposed are located in eastern Osijek-Baranja County.

In addition to the HDZ, some other parties have also already notched victories.

The Istrian Democratic Party (IDS) has sole candidates in two municipalities, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the Croatian People's Party (HNS) each have one such candidate and candidates of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) will face no opposition in three municipalities.

In the southern municipality of Muć, the present long-serving mayor, who is running as an independent, is also the sole candidate.

For more about politics in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

305th Sinjska Alka to be Held on August 9, 2020

May 28, 2020 -It's official - the 305th Sinjska Alka will be held on August 9, 2020. 

Dalmacija Danas reports that a meeting was held on Wednesday in the Croatian Parliament, where the President of the Croatian Parliament Gordan Jandroković received the Mayor of the City of Sinj Kristina Križanac and a delegation of the Knights of Alkar Society, led by the President of the VAD Stipe Jukić.

At the meeting, they informed President Jandroković about the preparations for the 305th Sinjska Alka, which will take place on August 9, 2020, thanked him for his many years of support, and sent him an invitation to this year's Alka festivities.

On the same day, a meeting was held in Banski dvori, where Prime Minister Andrej Plenković received the Mayor of Sinj Kristina Križanac and a delegation of the Knights of Alkar Society Sinj led by President Stipe Jukić and Alkar Duke Boško Ramljak. At the meeting, the Government was informed about the preparations for this year's 305th Sinj Alka.

The Mayor and the VAD delegation thanked the Government and Prime Minister Plenković for the financial support so far in the implementation of projects important for the functioning of the Alkar Society, as well as the continuous financial assistance related to the work of the Sinjska Alka Museum and Alkar Stud Farm.

Prime Minister Plenković expressed his gratitude to the City of Sinj and the Knights of Alka Society and emphasized that by supporting the Sinj Alka we jointly promote Croatian cultural heritage, values and national identity and that the Government will continue to support the City of Sinj and the Sinj Alka through the Ministry of Culture and other departments.

Along with the Mayor of Sinj Kristina Križanac and the President of the Knights of Alkar Society Stipe Jukić, both meetings with the President of the Parliament and the Prime Minister were attended by the Guardian of the Shrine of Our Lady of Sinj Fr. Ante Čovo, Deputy President of VAD Dinko Bošnjak, arambaša Ivo Vukasović, member of the Board of Directors of VAD Igor Vidalina and member of the Court of Honor Tomislav Župić, as well as the President of the Supervisory Board of VAD Hrvoje Markulin.

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page
