Sunday, 25 September 2022

Medieval Knight Tournament Returning to Jankovac Forest Park

September 25, 2022 - After three years, we are bringing good news for all fans of one of the most visited events in Slavonia – the Medieval Knight Tournament! It is returning in all its glory to the Jankovac Forest Park on the slopes of the Papuk mountain. Is there anything more relaxing than crisp air, crunchy leaves, and battles between knights in metal armour?

As reported by SiB, over ten knight associations will stage an authentic medieval atmosphere on the weekend of October 1st and 2nd (Saturday and Sunday) and provide content that children and adults will find equally interesting and entertaining.

The prices of tickets for visitors will be HRK 30/EUR 3.98 for adults and HRK 20/EUR 2.65 for children. Transportation will be organised in buses departing from information points in Slatinski Drenovac and at the Veterans' monument located on the pass between Velika and Jankovac. All personal vehicles will have to be left there, given that a very limited number of vehicles can be parked at the visitor parking premises of the Jankovac Forest Park itself.

The organisers of the tournament this year include the Papuk Nature Park, the Municipality of Čačinci, and the Order of Knights of Ružica Grad from Orahovica.

"I am glad that after two years, we can once again organise this event that gathers several thousand people in Jankovac, and this is a wonderful promotion of the municipality, the Park, and our region, and the only thing left that we can still wish for is good weather. Thank you to everyone who has worked hard to prepare this historical story, because, without these people, none of this would be possible," said Alen Jurenac, director of the Jankovac Forest Park.

The medieval knight's tournament is the most beautiful introduction to autumn, which is the most beautiful season on the slopes of Papuk.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated Travel section.

Saturday, 9 March 2019

Battle at Samobor: Re-enactment 2019

The Tourist Board of Samobor and The Museum of Samobor are organising the 14th re-enactment of the Battle at Samobor, one of the key historical events of this part of Croatia from the 15th century. The re-enactment and the accompanying events will take place on Sunday, March 10th, with events starting at 10:00, while the battle re-enactment itself will happen in the early afternoon hours.

The events revived took place in the first half of the 15th century, starting with the death of the King Albert the Magnanimous from the House of Habsburg in 1439. After his death, all over his kingdom in Croatia and Hungary, various fights started in which different noblemen fought to claim his title. His widow, Queen Elisabeth was from a powerful House of Cilli, so she had their support, including the famous military commander Ivan Vitovec and his troupes. The other army very interested in claiming King Albert's title was headed by the Polish king Władysław III and his commander Stjepan Banić of Lendava.

The skirmishes lasted for two years, and it was brought to an end in 1441, on March 1st, when the armies collided near Samobor. The fierce battle ended with a victory by Vitovec for Queen Elisabeth. Commander Banić was taken as a prisoner, which was considered to be a great victory for the Queen's army.

To make sure the re-enactment is as authentic as possible, numerous medieval companies from Croatia and some international guests will be participating - all and all around 400 participants are expected at the event, including a hundred knights in full armour. A military tent will be set-up at the meadow at Vugrinščak park, and cavalrymen, swordmen, soldiers with firelock guns, archers and medics will be located at it, with a lot of their equipment. By the tent a well organized fair will take place, where you'll be able to buy baskets, blacksmith's products, hats, bread, honey and herbs...

After the battle re-enactment itself, which is supposed to start around 3 pm, both commanders will come to salute the Queen, and the defeated commander will surrender his flag and swear his allegiance to her. And, of course, there needs to be a party to celebrate a successful battle, and it will start right after the ceremony and a round of celebratory cannons.

The weather forecast for Samobor for the Sunday, March 10th 2019 is lovely, so if you have no other plans, you should go and see the knights and a medieval queen at the Battle at Samobor re-enactment!
