Saturday, 6 November 2021

Independent Candidate Mladen Novak to Run for Međimurje County Prefect

ZAGREB, 6 Nov 2021 - Mladen Novak, an independent candidate who is running for the presidency of Međimurje County, on Saturday presented his candidacy in Čakovec.

The duty of the county authorities is to create preconditions and climate for the development of the industry and production sector that could provide decent pay to workers, said Novak, who used to be an official of the local Social Democratic Party (SDP).

He said that he could address the issues of security, low wages, and infrastructure if he got elected.

The early elections are scheduled for 28 November, after the former county prefect, Matija Posavec, stepped down due to the ongoing investigation against him on suspicion of corruption and abuse of office.

On 26 October, Sandra Herman of the Reformists party presented her candidacy for the new county prefect.

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