Sunday, 2 May 2021

Labour Day Motorcycle Vigil in Bjelovar

May 2, 2021 - Early yesterday morning, the Labour day motorcycle vigil Bjelovar was held.

Bjelovar Info reports, traditionally, about 500 motorcyclists accompanied by the police drove through the city streets for one hour. It is a continuation of the tradition from the 1930s, when workers protested against the capitalists of that time by driving without an exhaust.

On May 1, 100 years ago, they removed the mufflers on motorcycles and drove to the Kamenitovac mountain lodge and returned to the City before 7 am to arrive on time at work, wanting to point out all social injustices in this way.

"Last year we organized the Moto Vigil as a normal participation in traffic. We rode in several groups and that was all. For epidemiological reasons, this time we did not have any official gathering, nor did the motorcyclists hang out before and after the vigil, but only the formation of a column in the parking lot before 5.00 in the morning. Accompanied by the police, we drove through the pre-determined streets, after which we dispersed. All participants adhered to epidemiological measures so that they did not move away from their motorcycles and did not take off their protective helmets. Also, unnecessary stopping was not allowed. Given that the Bjelovar vigil is of great importance for citizens and motorcyclists, we decided to organize it at least in a slightly more modest edition and in accordance with all epidemiological regulations", said Alen Krce, president of the Moto Club Bjelovar.

As in previous years, the organizer of the traditional Bjelovar Moto vigil was "Moto Club Bjelovar". Today, there are only few people who do not know that the vigil became a recognizable manifestation of the city of Bjelovar, which is held from year to year at dawn on Labor Day. Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic last year, it was not organized in the way that the people of Bjelovar and the participants themselves are used to.

"In 1930, the Moto Club Bjelovar was founded, and then took over the organization of this moto vigil, which had been there for several years before. Throughout history, there may have been some interruptions due to various conditions, but a few years ago this became an event beyond the borders of the city of Bjelovar, and, beyond the county when we had an international visitor", said Alen Krce, president of Moto Club Bjelovar.

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