Wednesday, 2 February 2022

'Mystery Krk Woman' Daniela Adamcova Claims She was Abducted

February 2022 - The mystery woman from Slovakia who was found bloodied and disoriented on Krk in September last year, later revealed to be Daniela Adamcova, interviewed for the Slovak weekly Terajšok in which she said that she had been abducted.

Recall, on September 12, 2021, a woman was found on a rock on the island of Krk, wholly disoriented and without any memory of who she was or where she came from. She did not have any identification. However, she spoke English, so it was immediately clear that the woman was a tourist in Croatia. Ten days later, we learned the woman was Daniela Adamcova.

Adamcova is a Slovak who spent a good part of her life in the USA. She was engaged in jewelry making and allegedly made jewelry for Hollywood stars, though this was never confirmed. She returned to Slovakia after living in America.

Now, almost five months after being found in Croatia, Adamcova is convinced that she was abducted, reports

Adamcova said she did not remember how she came to Croatia at all. The last she remembers is waiting for friends in the apartment to pick her up and someone ringing the doorbell. The next thing she remembers is sitting on sharp rocks in the dark covered with a blanket with traces of blood on it. After that, she says she was beaten, bloodied, and - paralyzed.

"I remembered three people. First, I remembered I was on a big boat with two men and a woman. Then I remember they dragged me to the island. Another man was waiting. He dragged me to that island. That was all I remembered. But I still see the faces of the three people in front of me. I remember them very well. I described them to the police as well," she said.

She claims that the hospital did not perform all the necessary examinations or heal her wounds. She also claims that the behavior of the police during the interrogation has changed.

"They looked at each other as if they knew what I was talking about; they suddenly lost interest in listening to me," she says.

She adds that they could not take her fingerprints because she had some kind of glue on them, and she could not scrape it off. Later, the police returned her backpack, which, she says, was full of garbage. She found only the old keys to the apartment in Trenčín. She claimed her documents, money, and everything inside had disappeared.

"I guess they thought they killed me because I was covered with a towel on that beach. It's all bizarre. Also, the fact that I had glue on all my fingers. What do you think happened?

My memory began to come back when I returned home, even Slovak. I think it must have happened here in Slovakia. Maybe it wasn’t some real company I found on the internet, but some scammers. I don't remember where I was from August 20 to September 12 and what happened in the meantime," Adamcova said.

Although she is convinced that someone injured and abducted her, she claims that she is not satisfied with the way the Croatian police acted and adds she did not contact the Slovak police.

Given all her allegations, including accusations against the Croatian police, Index asked the police to answer questions about their allegations, whether there were any indications in the investigation that it was a kidnapping and whether they checked all the information.

The police assure that they checked all the information related to the case during the investigation and that there were no indications that it was a kidnapping. Furthermore, they say that there was no indication that Daniela Adamcova was a victim of kidnapping or any other crime.

They state that they approached the whole case from the very beginning very seriously and devoted themselves entirely to checking every, even seemingly unimportant, information.

"By checking all the allegations from the statement, Rijeka criminal investigators did not establish the slightest indication that the found woman would be a victim of a crime in any way, i.e., that her disappearance and injuries were a consequence of the crime to her detriment," the Interior Ministry said.

They also state that experienced criminals worked on this case, with enviable results in their police career.

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