Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Tenth Web Summer Camp to Gather Leading Web Experts in Šibenik

August 9, 2022 - This year will mark the tenth edition of Web Summer Camp, a high-profile event that gathers developers and web experts for a few days of learning, sharing experiences, as well as fun under the sun, and networking.

As Poslovni reports, Netgen, a local IT company, which has been organizing Web Summer Camp since 2012, which in recent years has been profiled as an event that gathers around two hundred developers and web experts on the Croatian coast, announced the tenth-anniversary edition of the conference, this year with a slightly different concept.

“In addition to the full-day workshops planned for the first day, which our participants already know and expect, the second day is reserved for interesting lectures and accompanying discussions”, explains Ivo Lukač, Netgen's co-founder and director, adding that this year it is possible to choose to buy a ticket either for the entire Web Summer Camp or just for one day – the conference part that takes place on Friday, September 2.

On the first day, the workshops will be held in six tracks: UX, Javascript, PHP, Symfony, DevOps, and Tech forum, and the participants include Valeria Adani, Flaminia del Conte, Gerard Sans, Princiya Sequeira, Derrick Rethans, Marco Pivetta, Andreas Hucks, Neal Brooks, Matt Thorpe, Luka Kladarić, Vanja Bertalan, Cristoffer Crusell, Ondřej Polesný, and Janus Boye.

The conference part of the second day will be divided into 2 tracks - Web and Developer. Harry Roberts, Ramona Schwering, Stephen K. Meya, Rowan Merewood, and Nehha Sharma have been announced for the Developer track, while the Web track will host Andy Clarke, Simon Jones, Sam Dutton, Ante Stjepanović, Magdalena Sekulić Ljubić, and Mili Ponce.

After all-day workshops and lectures held by leading experts from companies such as Google, Infobip, Hrvatski Telekom, and Oracle, coming from various parts of the world, the participants of previous conferences most often emphasize the acquisition of new knowledge and direct networking and exchange of experience with colleagues as the main benefits. For this very reason, the conference will exclusively be held live, without live stream options.

This year's platinum sponsor of the conference is Lendable, an online platform for personal finance from Great Britain, founded in 2014, which is aimed at introducing and enabling fast, simple, and practical personal finance in the digital age.

Last year's edition was rated 8.7/10 by all attendees, and 84 percent of attendees stated that the conference provided them with the knowledge that they can apply in their daily work, with 86 percent stating that they intended to return to the next edition.

Web Summer Camp is also different in that an additional Companions track is organized for accompanying participants, during which a tourist tour of the destination or some similar entertainment program is usually prepared for the participants' partners or spouses, who are not interested in attending the workshops. The last day is usually reserved for an excursion for all participants, which this year, depending on favourable weather conditions, will be held in the vicinity of Šibenik.

Paul Boag, one of the world's leading authorities in the field of user experience, conversion optimization, and digital marketing, commented on last year's edition of the conference:

“If you are thinking of coming to any conference, you can hardly find a better one than this one. Great weather, great location, you can bring the family, relax while learning new things, and enjoy it like you're on holiday. There is something unique about this conference!”

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