Thursday, 27 January 2022

41 New Stations, 242 Total Bicycles: Split Area Public Bike System Expanding

January 27, 2022 - Split area public bike system (Split, Solin, Trogir, Kastela, Podstrana, Klis, Dugopolje, and Dicmo) will receive 41 new stations with a total of 242 bicycles!

Representatives of cities and municipalities from the Split Urban Agglomeration area and project partners in the "Choose a bike!" project held a working video meeting on preparations to implement the public bicycle systems. As it was said at the meeting, the first deliveries of bicycles by the project partner "Nextbike" will follow in February, and preparations to install bicycle stations and power connections at other locations are underway, reports Grad Split.

The work on installing terminals in the whole urban agglomeration should be completed in the next few months. The first functional stations would be located in the Podstrana area, and the locations are already ready to receive bicycles. It was pointed out that most of the new contingent of bikes is planned to be set up in the Marjan Forest Park area and the city's outskirts. The construction and marking of bicycle roads in the Trogir area are expected to be completed by the middle of the year at the latest. As part of the activities of this integrated project, the City of Split and seven partners - cities and municipalities from the Split urban agglomeration (Solin, Trogir, Kastela, Podstrana, Klis, Dugopolje, and Dicmo), will receive 41 new stations with a total of 242 bicycles. In short, from the beginning of summer, the area from Podstrana to Trogir and from Split to Dicmo will be connected by a system of public bicycles.

The "Choose a bicycle!" strategic project is co-financed by the European Union within the ITU Call "Urban Mobility - Development of public bicycle systems in the Urban Agglomeration of Split." The project application was prepared by the Development Agency Split - RaST, with the support of the Service for International and EU Projects of the City of Split, which is now leading the project. The project's total value is HRK 13.6 million, of which the grant amounts to a total of HRK 10.8 million. This project to develop the public bicycle system is planned to popularize bicycles as an alternative form of public transport. An indispensable part is developing and improving the network of cycling infrastructure, which will enable faster access to public transport stops and serve as an upgrade of the existing form of public transport in the Split urban agglomeration.

These 41 new locations with bicycle terminals will be distributed in eight local self-government units following the analysis of needs and possibilities for the implementation of the system, as follows:

City of Split: 16 terminals with 50 electric and 20 classic bicycles.

City of Solin: 6 terminals with 12 electric and 26 classic bicycles.

City of Trogir: 3 terminals with 10 electric and 10 classic bicycles.

Kaštela: 6 terminals with 30 electric and 30 classic bicycles.

Municipality of Podstrana: 2 terminals with 6 electric and 6 classic bicycles.

Municipality of Klis: 2 terminals with 4 electric and 8 classic bicycles.

Municipality of Dugopolje: 4 terminals with 10 electric and 10 classic bicycles.

Municipality of Dicmo: 2 terminals with 4 electric and 6 classic bicycles.

For more, check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Monday, 12 July 2021

Split Cycled 1.32 Million Kilometers Over Two Years!

July 12, 2021 - The city of Split cycled an incredible 1.32 million kilometers over the last two years, continuously proving that the public bicycle system is a success!

Two years have passed since Split received its public bicycle system, which has proved to be a complete success. Since the beginning, public bicycles in Split have been used for 88,566 hours, and users have cycled an incredible 1,328,485 kilometers, over four times more in the second year than the first. The system has thus profiled itself as a fully accepted new mode of public transport that is faster, healthier, and cheaper to use and has become part of the daily lives of many citizens, reports Dalmacija Danas.

In its second year of operation, the system had a major expansion. From the initial 12, it reached 51 stations, which covered all city districts and all important institutions and increased the number of bicycles from 86 to 280 bicycles.

All this has resulted in a large increase in users and rentals. The system currently has 21,848 registered users, of which 80 percent are domestic. Since the beginning, a total of 240,784 rentals have been realized, of which almost 200,000 in the second year alone, which is over four times more than in the first year of operation.

Split Parking said that due to the increase in the number of users in the past year, they also worked on education, so BicikliSTički etiquette was issued, which is also available online so that all traffic participants can be informed how to use the system safely and correctly.

"We plan to continue with the development of the system, and when allowed, to expand it further and connect it with other units within the agglomeration, which we are already working on in cooperation with other partners. We are also thinking and working on developing new functionalities that would make use more enjoyable. For example, last year we introduced a new weekly subscription option, and the annual price for all users has remained the same and is the cheapest form of public transport. For 200 kuna per year, you have an unlimited number of free rides of up to 30 minutes. We believe that the development of cycling infrastructure will accompany the development of the public bicycle system to ensure that all users enjoy cycling as safe as possible," said Marko Bartulić, director of Split Parking.

"Work is also underway to install surveillance cameras at stations to prevent damage by irresponsible individuals on bicycles. Fortunately, they are in the minority, and such incidents are more the exception than the rule. Most users and citizens are responsible for the system since it is common and available for everyone to use," concluded Split Parking. 

The city of Split is still at the top of the region in terms of figures. May 2021 saw a record number of rentals (36,623), while on June 2, 2021, the record daily number of rentals was achieved (1634).

No less important is the fact that we protect the environment by using this form of transport, and citizens who have cycled instead of cars in these two years have contributed to reducing emissions, i.e., ensured that 332.12 tons of CO2 are less emitted into the atmosphere.

For more, follow our lifestyle section.

Thursday, 3 June 2021

A New Record: More than 200,000 Split Public Bicycle Rentals!

June 3, 2021 - Split public bicycle rentals have reached over 200,000 - and this season, even more rental records will be broken! 

It is already known that Split locals have fully accepted the public bicycle system, and by all accounts, we are facing another season in which rental records will be broken. This is according to data released before World Bicycle Day, which is celebrated on June 3. The total number of rentals since the beginning of the system in Split has reached 204,107, and the number of registered users has exceeded 20,000, Dalmatinski Portal writes. 

Since the expansion of the system, the number of rentals has constantly been growing, and in May alone, a total of 36,540 rentals were realized, which is a significant increase compared to April when there were 25,000. If we look at the ratio in the first five months of last year and this year, there has been an increase in rentals over four times. On May 27, as many as 1,521 rentals were realized, which is the largest recorded figure in one day so far.

Last month was also a record year in terms of the number of newly registered users, of which there were 1,823. The majority of riders are still domestic (80%), but there is still a slight increase in the share of foreign riders. Precisely because of the constant growth of cyclists on the streets, which is expected with the arrival of better weather and the season, Split Parking has published an online version of cycling etiquette so that all cyclists can meet or be reminded of current traffic rules and you can read it on their website.


"Cycling has become a habit for the people of Split, and bicycles are becoming an increasingly desirable means of transport because they are now easily accessible. With the growing number of cyclists on the city streets, which will grow further with the start of the season, special attention should be paid to their safety and all road users. Last month, therefore, in cooperation with partners, we issued cycling etiquette to educate users on riding a bike safely and the rules to follow. At the same time, we are also working on better protection of stations and bicycles to prevent damage and make bicycles more accessible to users and less to be repaired. To continue to develop the system of public bicycles in Split and further, it is necessary to work in parallel on the development of adequate infrastructure that will be able to support the growing trend of cycling in Split," said Marko Bartulić, director of Split Parking.

All planned stations have been set up, and a total of 51 stations are available to citizens. After Mertojak, the stations at the elementary schools Žnjan - Pazdigrad, Sirobuja, and the elementary school Kamen Šine were put into operation this weekend. As of this week, parents with children have an additional 15 child seats available.

Split Parking once again invites all citizens to ride a bike responsibly and to find out about the rules for safe riding at:

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Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Split Public Bicycle System Sets New Records and Welcomes New Stations

February 16, 2021 - The Split public bicycle system continues to set new records, with new stations and bikes on the way.

Dalmatinski Portal reports that in December, the Split public bicycle system welcomed a total of 10,241 rentals, in January over 13,000, and in the first 12 days of February, 8,835 rentals were already realized. In recent months, the number of users has also increased significantly, with 1,137 new users in December, 985 in January, and 681 new users since the beginning of February. If we add the results so far, a total of over 110,000 rentals have been realized since the beginning, and over 14,500 users have registered.

This weekend, five more new stations have enhanced the public bicycle system in Split. Thus, the latest active locations are Bračka, Brda - Ravne Njive, City Centar One, Kocunar, and Neslanovac. A total of 46 stations are now available to users, and most bicycles from the new contingent have been opened to traffic.

The latest expansion of the system has contributed to the growth in the number of rentals and users, and the trend is expected to continue. In January, despite somewhat colder weather, the record in the number of daily rentals was broken, which was repeated in February and now amounts to 870 rentals per day.

"The citizens' initial reactions to the system were excellent, and the demand grew, which is why we decided to expand it. The goal of the system and its expansion are primarily to provide an alternative form of transportation that is faster, healthier, and cheaper. For 200 kuna a year, you can ride an unlimited number of times for up to 30 minutes, which is enough in Split to get from one desired location to another. This is, I believe, an extremely affordable form of mobility. We are now talking about an average of about 400 rentals per day, which puts Split at the very top in terms of use in Croatia and the region. We continue to monitor the needs of citizens and adapt and improve our service," said Marko Bartulić, director of Split Parking.

To complete the planned expansion, five more stations are to be set up, for which alternative locations had to be sought. Then the necessary documentation and approvals were obtained. This is at Gajo Bulat Square, where the station was installed, and the technical setups need to be resolved before commissioning, the elementary school Žnjan Pazdigrad, elementary school Kamen Šine, Mertojak near the Health Center, and Sirobuja. Their installation is expected by the end of the month, and the system will then count a total of 51 stations across the city.

A new price list for the public bicycle system is in operation, which also offers new options such as a weekly subscription and renting two bicycles at the same time through one user account for all weekly and annual subscribers. The yearly subscription price and all the benefits it includes remains the same, i.e., 200 kuna per year, and consists of an unlimited number of rides of up to 30 minutes.

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Friday, 10 July 2020

One Year of Public Bicycles in Split, 12 Stations and 86 Bikes on Offer

July 10, 2020 - Most everyone in Split knows about the city's public bicycle system, and many citizens use it regularly. Nextbike, which has garnered the support of many citizens and provided them with an alternative, healthier and cheaper way to get around the city, is celebrating its first anniversary this weekend.

Dalmacija Danas writes that in one year, impressive results were achieved, as evidenced by the number of a total of 42,679 rentals made by 7,909 registered users, of which 84 percent were domestic.

Users rode bicycles for 22,039 hours, while the average rental duration is 30.5 minutes, and they cycled a total of 330,585.55 kilometers, which is just over eight laps around the equator!

It was in Split that records in the use of public bicycle systems in Croatia were broken. The City of Split thus holds the record in the monthly number of rentals with a total of 9,168 rentals in May, while the record number of rentals in a single day was May 3 when there were 450.

Split Parking said that from the beginning, they believed that citizens would recognize and accept this system and its benefits, and they are sure that the interest and number of users with the introduction of new stations, bicycles and opportunities will only continue to grow. The system of public bicycles also showed its advantages during epidemiological measures, when bicycles became the favorite means of transport for citizens.

"When we first started, I must admit that some were skeptical about whether the people of Split would accept this system, but the numbers clearly show that they are. We have done everything in our power to make riding as comfortable as possible, we are working on introducing new possibilities, and we have recently made it possible to ride with small children by placing child seats on public bicycles, the first in Croatia. I believe that, as announced, the development of the city's cycling infrastructure will be accompanied by an increase in the number of stations and bicycles so that our citizens can enjoy cycling in the safest possible way," said Marko Bartulic, director of Split Parking.

The citizens of Split currently have 12 stations and 86 bicycles (classic and electric) at their disposal, and by the end of the year, another 170 new bicycles and about 40 new stations have been announced in order to cover all districts and important locations. The stations with the largest number of rentals in the first year are Riva with 7,042, Split 3 with 5,349, and Znjan with 4,462 rentals.

It is important to emphasize that the further development of this mode of transport is important for preserving the city's environment because the citizens who cycled instead of driving cars contributed to reducing emissions, i.e., ensured that 82.64 tons less of CO2 are emitted into the atmosphere over the year.

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Saturday, 4 July 2020

Split First in Croatia to Install Child Seats on Nextbike Public Bicycles

July 4, 2020 - The first ten child seats in Croatia were set up on public bicycles in Split, where records Nextbike records have been broken for months. These are the first child seats installed on public bikes in Croatia, intending to enable parents to enjoy a safe ride with their little ones. The use of the seats is free of charge.

The news was reported by Goran Grgurinovic from the Public Relations Department of Split Parking, the city company responsible for the public bicycle system. The child seats have all the approvals and are designed to transport children from 9 to 72 months, and weigh from 9 to a maximum of 22 kilograms, reports Slobodna Dalmacija

A quick start guide will be posted on each child seat, and instructions will also be available on the Split Parking website. The system is very simple and intuitive, and within the application when renting a bike, it is possible to choose one with a child seat.

"The most important thing is to fasten the seat belts in the child seat carefully and not to leave the child unattended at any time, and to provide the children with helmets when riding in the seats. Safety is our number one priority," said Ante Gustin, CEO of Nexbike.

Split Parking said that they are extremely satisfied because they started this project with Nextbike and, in a short time, provided the initial number of child seats and satisfied inquiries from users. If the need arises, with the new bikes planned, an additional number of seats will be procured.

"Such child seats are already used in many European cities and I am glad that in Split, parents have the opportunity to be the first in Croatia to enjoy a safe ride with their children and on public bicycles. The safety of our youngest needs to come first for all of us, so I urge all adults and parents to behave responsibly and follow the instructions for use so that they can enjoy the ride carefreely," said Marko Bartulic, director of Split Parking.

The use of bicycles equipped with child seats is the same as for ordinary bicycles. When planning a ride without a child, users are asked to choose a regular bicycle so that bicycles with child seats are available for parents with children.

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Split Citizens Break Record: 9168 Public Bicycle Rentals in May

June 5, 2020 - In May, in addition to the city record, the citizens of Split also broke the Croatian record in the monthly number of public bicycle rentals. A total of 9,168 rentals were achieved in Split, which is twice as many as in April, when there were 4,544 rentals. In total, since the beginning of 2020, over 25,000 rentals have been made in Split.

Dalmatinski Portal reports that the largest number of rentals was made by locals, or 96 percent of them. Last month, a total of 1,436 new users were registered in the system, while the total number of registered users is 7,075, of which 84 percent are domestic users. The station with the most rentals in May is the Riva, followed by Žnjan, Split 3, Zvončac, Spinut and others.

Given the growing number of new users and rentals from Split Parking, they call on all cyclists, but also drivers of cars, motorcycles and other vehicles, to be extra careful and responsible when driving. This especially refers to the way bicycles are used and the transport of children on bicycles, which, they emphasize, is prohibited with the existing offer of bicycles. But with the system operator, Nextbike, they found a solution so that parents with children could also use bicycles. These are child seats, and a number will be set soon.

"Nicer and warmer weather is coming and we expect that the numbers will continue to grow and that is why we appeal to users to use bicycles responsibly and correctly, as stated in the instructions. This means that it is forbidden to ride with another person on a bicycle, especially children. We warn about this because we want to protect our youngest, and we will soon install a number of bicycles with child seats that will enable safe transportation. If it turns out that there is an increased interest, as we procure new bicycles, we will also procure additional seats. We also ask drivers to pay attention to cyclists," said Marko Bartulić, director of Split Parking.

The figures show that users have created the habit of using bicycles and that they are becoming a favorite means of transport for more and more citizens from month to month. The company says that the use of bicycles is good for health and environmental protection, it is cheaper and faster, and the use of bicycles ensures the necessary social distance. In order to meet the growing demand, the entire system is being improved, which will set up about 40 new stations and 175 new bicycles in Split by the end of the year. This will give each district at least one station, and all-important institutions and frequency locations will be covered.

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Monday, 14 October 2019

New Transport Trend in Split: Public Bicycle Rentals Jumped 200% in September

October 14, 2019 - Just over two months ago, the City of Split, in cooperation with Split Parking, launched a public bicycle system in the city - and the results indicate that this mode of transportation certainly has room for further development.

Namely, between mid-July and the end of September, a total of 2,886 bike rentals were made, with locals accounting for as much as 60.9 percent. More than half of the rentals (or 1865) were made in September alone, recording three times or 200% more rentals than August.

When it comes to the number of registered users, there are currently 1400 of which 52.6 percent are local. The most frequent location to rent bikes is the station on the Riva, followed by Stari plac, Spinut and Split 3, and Sukoišanska, Kampus, Žnjan, and next to Joker.

Eight stations have been set up so far, with 50 bikes available - 20 electric and 30 classic. Split Parking said they were satisfied with the results and that the figures clearly show that there is interest in this mode of transport.

“From this short period and the pilot project, we can conclude that our fellow citizens have identified bicycles as part of the urban mobility system. We offered them an alternative and in a short time, they started using it. It is not realistic to expect that Split will become Amsterdam.

We do not have that topography or mentality, but it is a cheaper, faster and more environmentally friendly way to get around the city. We are preparing documentation based on where we will place a significant number of bicycles and stations in the next year.

Of course, Split needs to continue to develop bicycle paths and the entire cycling infrastructure, which will make this service, above all, even safer, better quality, and acceptable to an increasing number of users. We have a long way to go in changing the habits and dominance of driving cars, and getting used to and respecting bicycles in traffic, but we are headed in that direction and the first results are encouraging. Next year will be followed by significant investment and organizational challenges for our company,” said Marko Bartulić, director of Split Parking.

By the end of October, a new contingent of 32 bikes (20 classic and 12 electric) should arrive in Split, as well as four new stations worth around 700,000 kuna financed by Split Parking. Next year, the plan is to set up several dozen new terminals to meet the stated goal that every district has at least one station and that bicycles are easily accessible to everyone, said Split Parking.

Nextbike operates the system, and Split is one of 20 cities in Croatia that has implemented it so far. No major damage has been reported yet, and cases of missing bicycles have been reported several times, most often when a user leaves the bicycle in a location other than the check-out location.

Two bicycle thefts were also reported, one of which was found, and another was filed against an unknown perpetrator. Additional bicycle protection will also be provided by GPS. In cooperation with repairers, regular changes are made to the codes on the bike padlocks, stations are inspected, the bikes are inspected and switched as necessary, and any irregularities found are recorded and corrected.

The City of Split is one of the partners in the EU project 'REMEDIO', from the INTERREG MEDITERAN program, which aims to encourage the use of low-carbon transport, to reduce road congestion and CO2 emissions in traffic.

EU funding for the first year of operation was provided through the project. During this period, users can enjoy the system for 30 minutes a day for free, with mandatory registration or an activated account. User account activation is required for security and to ensure the availability of the system to a large number of users while minimizing possible misuse.

Registration is free of charge, and the accoun activation costs 5 kuna and is valid for the entire Nextbike system anywhere in the world, while the stated amount remains available in the user's account for all additional rides. The cost of using the bike is 5 kuna every half hour for a classic bike or 10 kuna for an electric bike.

The subscription price is 200 kuna, valid for one year and includes an unlimited number of free 30-minute bike rides, while users ‘pay as you go' for extra rides.

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page.
