Saturday, 11 February 2023

Meet the Elite: 244 People Aged Over a Hundred Living in Croatia

February 11, 2023 – Meet the elite: the oldest citizen of Croatia is a 108-year-old woman who lives in Zagreb County. Most centenarians live in the City of Zagreb (59) and Split-Dalmatia County (31), and Zadar County (19).

Although the average life expectancy of Croatian citizens is below the average of the European Union, as many as 244 people living in Croatia are 100 years old or older. This is shown by the State Bureau of Statistics data obtained after the 2021 population census, write Večernji / Poslovni.

As expected, among citizens aged one hundred and more, there is an overwhelming preponderance of women, whose life expectancy is generally longer because among the 244 people over 100 years old, only 37 are men, so Joža Manolić, who will turn 103 in March, is an exception when it comes to men who live to such a high age.

Out of the 244 superstars, most of them have lived for exactly a century of life - 133 of them, followed by 70 people who are 101 years old, 21 people who are 102 years old, eight who are 103 years old, four people who are 104 and 105 years old each, and three people who are 106 years old.

The counties of Međimurje and Virovitica-Podravina have the fewest centenarians, only two each, and the counties of Varaždin, Koprivnica-Križevačka, and Vukovar-Srijem count only three people over 100 years old each.

It is not common in Croatia, nor is it easy to live to be one hundred, as shown by the data of the State Bureau of Statistics from last year's publication 'Women and Men in Croatia,' according to which the average age for women in 2020 was 80.7 years, and 73.8 for men.

The longest-lived people in the world are the Japanese, by the way, whose average lifespan is 85.3 years. The reasons for their longevity, in addition to a healthy diet, are healthy daily activities such as gardening, growing medicinal plants, and spending time together.

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