Friday, 27 March 2020

Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker: Croatia Implementing Strictest Measures in World

March 27, 2020 - According to Oxford University, Croatia has the strictest coronavirus measures in the world. 

Although some members of the Croatian Civil Protection Headquarters are dissatisfied with citizens' behavior and threatening even harsher measures, judging by the state measures tracker in the fight against the coronavirus, Croatia is currently implementing the most rigorous measures in the world, according to Oxford University.

Namely, British researchers are looking at basic criteria such as school closures, travel bans, and public gatherings bans, and then compares these measures to the number of people currently infected, thereby obtaining an index of the rigor of the measures implemented.

The purpose of the meter is to offer transparent insight into the measures taken by world governments to combat the coronavirus, and the published data will be updated frequently.

Judging by the coronavirus meter, Croatia is currently implementing the most rigorous measures in the world, with Serbia and Syria not far behind. Thus, it should be kept in mind that countries with few cases that responded quickly were highlighted.

Croatia closed schools, playgrounds, banned public gatherings, closed cafes, restaurants, and all shops that were not necessary very early on, and public transport was suspended. Croatia urges citizens to stay at home and some parts of the country, such as Murter, are quarantined.

While Croatia is at the top, some countries, such as the United States, where the infection is expected to explode, as well as the United Kingdom and Canada, are below the midline of austerity measures.

Health Minister Vili Beros commented on this analysis for RTL Danas, saying that Croatia is at the European top because of these measures.

"Our results so far show that we are among the countries that have slower growth in the number of patients. I think the measures are introduced on time and very carefully balanced. We have announced a certain reduction in these measures relating to shops around the markets that provide supplies because life should not and will not stop. We need to carefully balance the preservation of normal life flows and the possibility that the infection continues to spread," he said.

We also must remember, however, that the Oxford tracker does not have country-specific data such as India, which has become the world's largest quarantine. Namely, 1.3 billion people must stay in their homes, and the media is flooded with videos of the police attacking everyone who they find on the street. 

You can see the Oxford Government Response Tracker here.


Follow TCN’s live updates on the coronavirus crisis in Croatia.

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