Friday, 28 January 2022

PHOTOS: Snowy Riversides and Magical Mountains of Croatia in January 2022

January 28, 2022 – The snowy riversides and magical mountains of Croatia in January 2022 show a spectacular and all-natural winter wonderland.

Snow finally stuck to the streets of central Zagreb for a couple of days this week. Early morning temperatures dropped to the lowest yet of this winter. Despite the chill, clear skies and sunshine days were enough to see the snow soon melt away.

But, far from the city, the snowy riversides and magical mountains of Croatia in January 2022 have kept their white blanket for longer. These all-natural landscapes look epic after the snowfall. For winter walkers and climbers – or even just lovers of photography – these images are way more spectacular than the bright lights and theatre of the Advent season.

Let's take a closer look at the winter wonderland of snowy riversides and magical mountains of Croatia in January 2022.
Gorski Kotar
Delnice, Lokve, Fužine, Stara Sušica, Ravna Gora

261435205_280374700697029_6373214118916472871_n.jpg© Turistička zajednica Gorskog kotara

Delnice2345678.jpg© Turistička zajednica Gorskog kotara

Vladimir_Franolić.jpgFrom above, Dvorac Stara Sušica © Vladimir Franolić

GorskiBranko_Lautar_Višnja_Bolf.jpg© Branko Lautar & Višnja Bolf

Gorski_Fužine_Jezero_Bajer_Marino_Kirinčić.jpgJezero Bajer near Fužine © Marino Kirinčić

GorskiGorskiBranko_Lautar_Višnja_Bolfrtghbn.jpg© Branko Lautar & Višnja Bolf

Japlenški_vrh_Forest_Park_Delnicedfghjmn.jpg© Turistička zajednica Gorskog kotara

GorskiBranko_Lautar_Višnja_Bolfsdfghjmn.jpgAnother view of Dvorac Stara Sušica © Branko Lautar & Višnja Bolf

Risnjak National Park and Snježnik Hrvatski

Risnjak.jpg© Risnjak National Park

Snježnik_hrvatskiĆuća-Žentil.jpgSnježnik hrvatski © Ivan Ćuća-Žentil

Snježnik_hrvatskiĆuća-Žentildfgbhn.jpgSnježnik hrvatski © Ivan Ćuća-Žentil

Snježnik_hrvatskiĆuća-Žentildfghbn.jpgSnježnik hrvatski © Ivan Ćuća-Žentil

Snježnik_hrvatskiĆuća-Žentilfgt.jpgSnježnik hrvatski © Ivan Ćuća-Žentil

Snježnik_hrvatskiĆuća-Žentilftgyh.jpgSnježnik hrvatski © Ivan Ćuća-Žentil

Snježnik_hrvatskiĆuća-Žentilgfyhn.jpgSnježnik hrvatski © Ivan Ćuća-Žentil

Snježnik_hrvatskiĆuća-Žentilrftgvb.jpgSnježnik hrvatski © Ivan Ćuća-Žentil

For more about Risnjak National Park, look here

Northern Velebit National Park

VelebitNPDejan_Delač.jpg© Dejan Delač

VelebitNPDejan_Delač4rtgh.jpg© Dejan Delač

VelebitNPVedran_Katalinić.jpg© Vedran Katalinić

For more about Northern Velebit National Park, look here

Velebit Nature Park

Ljubičko_BrdoIvan_Cuca-Zentilxdfghnm.jpgLjubičko Brdo © Ivan Ćuća-Žentil

Ljubičko_BrdoIvan_Cuca-Zentilrtyh.jpgLjubičko Brdo © Ivan Ćuća-Žentil

Ljubičko_BrdoIvan_Cuca-Zentildrtyhgbn.jpgLjubičko Brdo © Ivan Ćuća-Žentil

Ljubičko_BrdoIvan_Cuca-Zentil.jpgLjubičko Brdo © Ivan Ćuća-Žentil

Ljubičko_BrdoIvan_Cuca-Zentilrf.jpgLjubičko Brdo © Ivan Ćuća-Žentil

Paklenica National Park

PaklenicaMario_Jurina.jpg© Mario Jurina

BojinacPaklenicIvanCoric.jpgBojinac © Ivan Coric Photography

BojinacPaklenicIvanCoricedfgvb.jpgBojinac © Ivan Coric Photography

For more about Paklenica National Park, look here

Kloštar Podravski, Podravina and Koprivnica-Križevci County

IvanN.jpg© Ivan Nemet

IvanN4rfghjn.jpg© Ivan Nemet

IvanN1234.jpg© Ivan Nemet

IvanNdfghjmk.jpg© Ivan Nemet

IvanNt5yhj.jpg© Ivan Nemet

IvanNtghb.jpg© Ivan Nemet

IvanNtyuhjnjk.jpg© Ivan Nemet

IvanNtgh.jpg© Ivan Nemet

IvanNsdfghjkm.jpg© Ivan Nemet

For more about the Drava river in Koprivnica-Križevci County look here. For more about the area of Podravina containing Kloštar Podravski and Đurđevac, look here

Slavonski Brod

BrodMirna_Šikić.jpg© Mirna Šikić

Oriovac_na_ribnjacima_Slavonski_BrodAntun_Lukšić.jpgThe wetlands and ponds in Oriovac near Slavonski Brod are not only home to fish - over 50 species of birds visit these waters © Antun Lukšić

For more about Slavonski Brod, look here

Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature Park

ZumerakSvetiGeraDomagoj_Novosel.jpgThe high peak of Sveti Gera, on the western edge of Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature Park © Domagoj Novosel

The author would like to thank each of the photographers who kindly loaned their work to him for this article

Monday, 29 November 2021

First Winter Land Rover Velebit Raid Will Take Place From December 17 to 19

November 29, 2021 - Another Land Rover fan event is coming, as the first winter Land Rover Velebit Raid will take place from December 17 to 19, and participants will be able to enjoy not only good company but also spectacular landscapes typical of the Velebit and Paklenica National Parks, as well as the rich history of Lika-Senj County.

The first winter Land Rover Velebit Raid abounds in rich contents. Participants will see two National Parks, Northern Velebit and Paklenica, springs and mills on the river Gacka, will visit two Museums, visit JNA bunkers, see the locations where the film Winnetou was shot, ride on a masterpiece of architectural heritage, the Master Road from 1832, enjoy the homemade food of authentic Lika in the 100-year-old inn Godača and authentic sub-Velebit stone houses with open fireplaces.

They will drive 300 km of wild and untouched nature, and there will be some night driving as well. The weather forecast will be followed and if there's snow to be expected, then driving will go around the mountain in the direction of Gospić - Gračac - Obrovac - Paklenica.


The point of it all is the promotion of lesser-known tourist locations, socializing, driving, meeting, and connecting owners and fans of Land Rover vehicles. There is no doubt that these are just the beginning and that the future will bring many more similar trips across the Balkans, but also those to other continents.

The Land Rover Balkan team and Total Croatia News invite you to support their love for good and adventurous driving as well as to promote lesser-known tourist locations. The itinerary is as shown below:

FRIDAY (December 17th)
- From 12:00 - Gathering of participants in the village of Sinac (8 km from Otočac) in the 101-year-old inn "Godača"
- Excursion to Tonković and Majer's spring and mills on the river Gacka (distance 3 and 7 km)

SATURDAY (December 18th) - 200 km

- 09:00 start from Sinac towards the Velebit village of Krasno 800 m above sea level. and a visit to the House of Velebit - 23 km
- 11:00 h Northern Velebit National Park - Krasno - Štirovača - drive through a pine forest on an asphalt road - 34 km
- 13:00 h - Middle Velebit - Off road, stone tunnels, serpentines, sea views, Štirovača - Baške Oštarije 926 m asl - 40 км
-15: 00 h Baške Oštarije - Gospić - Sv. Rock - 60 km
- 16:30 - South Velebit - Master Road (built in 1832, architectural heritage, off road, Tulove grede - location from the movie Winnetou, magnificent sea views - Paklenica - 40 km
18:30 - 19:00 - Hotel Rajna in Paklenica with a member of the group Marin Marasović


SUNDAY (December 19th) - 100 km

- 10:00 - NP Paklenica (entrance 3 euros), Underground town JNA bunkers built from 1950 -1953 or cafe by the sea
- 12:00 - Start Paklenica - Karlobag - Baške Oštarije - 66 km
- 14.00 - Lunch in the hostel Baška Oštarija
- 15.30 - Start of Baška Oštarija - Smiljan - Nikola Tesla Museum - 25 km

Those interested can find more information about the first winter Land Rover Velebit Raid through the organizers' email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and telephone number (+091 766 5479).

For more about the National Parks of Velebit and Paklenica, be sure to check Total Croatia's guide to Croatian National Parks here. Now in your language!

For more on lifestyle, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Saturday, 10 July 2021

UNESCO Beech Trees Can Be Adopted At Paklenica National Park

July 10, 2021 - Paklenica National Park has launched a competition on its Facebook page in which all participants can become adopters of one of the UNESCO beech trees that are part of their World Heritage List by July 14.

Untouched beech forests of the Paklenica National Park are under the strictest protection and are part of the UNESCO property "Beech rainforests and original beech forests of the Carpathians and other regions of Europe". Furthermore, as reported by the Paklenica National Park, healthy and preserved old forests are extremely important in mitigating the effects of climate change.

The lifespan of a beech tree is more than 300 years, and a 100-year-old beech tree, for example, "eats" 2.5 kilograms of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releases about 1.7 kilograms of oxygen in one hour. This is the amount of oxygen that 50 people need on average for an hour of breathing. Just imagine how much oxygen one beech produces in your life! In addition, such forest ecosystems represent the habitat of many other living organisms and contribute to the conservation of overall biodiversity.

To support the importance of preserving old beech forests, which are key to mitigating the effects of climate change, and great biodiversity, you have the opportunity to become the “adopter” of beech trees in one of the most valuable and best-preserved beech forests in Europe. In the comments below the post on the Facebook profile of the Paklenica National Park, in short, in five to six sentences, you should write why you should be the adopter of one of the UNESCO beech trees that is on their World Heritage List.

Participants whose most original reasons for the "adoption" of the letter are decided by the jury, become adopters of a tree and get the coordinates of the location where the tree is located so that they can personally visit their tree. In addition, adopters receive an annual pass for free entry to the National Park, a diploma "My beech lives in the UNESCO World Heritage Forest!", a card the name and surname of the adopter with a picture of his/her adopted beech, and to know what happens to the tree, the adopter will be occasionally informed of its condition.

The competition lasts until July 14, 2021, until 14:30, and the selected "adopters" will be published on the Facebook page of the Paklenica National Park, July 16, 2021.

Source: Turističke priče

Visit our 2021 guide on all Croatian National and Natural Parks HERE. Now in your language!

For more, follow our lifestyle section.
