Monday, 16 November 2020

Pametno and SIP Join to Form New Party Called Centre

ZAGREB, November 16, 2020 - The parliamentary opposition parties Pametno (Smart) and the Party with a First and Last Name (SIP) joined to form a single party, called Centre, at an online convention on Sunday, they announced in a statement on Monday.

The new party will not have a leader, but will be headed by four co-leaders - Dalija Oreskovic, Marijana Puljak, Marin Racic and Dario Carev.

The first unification of two political parties in Croatia on an equal footing is aimed at bringing together as many respectable individuals as possible to push for more civil liberties, less state influence on the economy and strong anti-corruption policies, the statement said.

The new party said it would prepare for local elections in May by offering a programme and candidates who can effect true change.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Pametno Party Proposes Ban on Pro-Life Prayers Outside Hospitals

ZAGREB, March 12, 2019 - The Pametno party on Tuesday sent a letter to local legislatures in 29 towns proposing that pro-life prayer groups be banned from assembling within 150 metres of hospitals and health institutions.

Such assemblies target women who come to hospitals and health institutions to seek advice on medically assisted reproduction or pregnancy termination. They are disturbing for patients, especially for women who are already traumatised by their situation, this non-parliamentary party said in a statement.

"All citizens must have free access to health institutions without fear of persecution or public condemnation," the party said, citing Article 11 of the Public Assembly Act that bans peaceful assemblies or public protests in the vicinity of hospitals.

In order to avoid misinterpretation of the term "the vicinity of hospitals", Pametno suggested that local legislatures define a no-assembly zone.

The party called for the protection of the rights of women and patients and of the right of hospital staff and citizens who visit hospitals for whatever reason not to be disturbed.

The proposal was prompted by the "40 Days for Life" initiative whose campaigners have begun prayer gatherings outside hospitals in 29 towns across the country during Lent, praying for "God's mercy and grace for all those involved in the sin of abortion."

More news about abortion issues can be found in the Politics section.

Friday, 31 August 2018

Liberal “Amsterdam Coalition” Falls Apart

ZAGREB, August 31, 2018 - The presidency of the Pametno party has decided to call off any further cooperation with potential partners in creating what has been dubbed the Amsterdam Coalition due to their dissent regarding the problem in the ailing Uljanik shipyard and particularly because of the role and responsibility of some prominent individuals.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

"Amsterdam Coalition" Parties Sign Cooperation Statement

ZAGREB, May 9, 2018 - The leaders of the GLAS, Istrian Democratic Party (IDS) and Pametno parties, Anka Mrak Taritaš, Boris Miletić and Marijana Puljak respectively, signed a statement of cooperation for a better Croatia on Wednesday, marking the official start of their joint political activities in preparations for elections for the European Parliament and for presidential and general elections in Croatia.

Sunday, 21 January 2018

“Amsterdam Coalition” Parties Advocate for Croatia as a Liberal Democracy

ZAGREB, January 21, 2018 - Leaders of the Civil Liberal Alliance (GLAS), Pametno and the Istrian Democratic Party (IDS), held their first summit in Zagreb on Sunday, saying that their goal was to develop Croatia as a modern state built on the tenets of liberal democracies and to offer the citizens of Croatia optimism and hope in a better future.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Pametno Party Hopes to Attract Disillusioned Left-Wing Voters

Party leader Puljak claims they are the fastest growing party.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Pametno Party Presents Proposal for New Local Government Structure

Many parties say they support territorial reorganization of local government units, but this is one of the first specific proposals.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Pametno Party Presents Electoral Manifesto

Pametno is trying to present itself as a more liberal version of MOST.
