Friday, 15 January 2021

July 2020 Parliamentary Election Costs HRK 8.5 mn Lower Than 2016 Election Costs

ZAGREB, 15 January, 2021 - The July 2020 parliamentary election cost HRK 101.5 million (€13.53 million), HRK 8.5 million less than the election held in 2016, shows the final report of the State Election Commission (DIP) on the cost of last year's vote.

The lower election costs are a result of savings made on allowances for the work of election bodies, owing to changes in tax rules.

Material costs, amounting to HRK 22.3 million, were close to two million kuna higher than in 2016, due to measures introduced to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection.

Explaining why the final report was being published only now, DIP said that it adopts final reports on election costs only after the polling committees of the country's 12 constituencies have covered election costs in their constituencies.

Sunday, 30 August 2020

Incomplete Report: HRK 78.5 m Spent on Parliamentary Elections in July

ZAGREB, August 30, 2020 - A report provided by the State Election Commission (DIP) shows that HRK 78.5 million was spent on organising the country's parliamentary elections on 5 July.

However, the incomplete report does not include all the costs incurred during the election process.

The previous parliamentary elections in September 2016 cost slightly over HRK 122 million.

The structure of the costs seems the same in 2020 as four years ago.

For instance, the biggest outlay was for remuneration for polling committee members, HRK 57.9 million on aggregate. Furthermore, material expenses accounted for HRK 20.6 million.

A polling committee member is paid 300 kuna for this job on the election day in Croatia. Chairpersons and deputy chairpersons are paid HRK 400, which was 50 kuna more than four years ago.

Remuneration per committee member for their work aboard is somewhat higher.

There are also outlays for compensation for experts hired for the organisation of the election process.

(€ 1 = HRK 7.5)


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Saturday, 4 July 2020

Croatia Parliamentary Election: Polling Stations Open in Australia, China, Japan

ZAGREB, July 4, 2020 - Croatia's tenth parliamentary election began at 11 p.m. on Friday Croatian time as polling stations opened in three Australian cities, State Electoral Commission vice president Damir Kontrec said.

Polling stations opened in Canberra, Sydney, and Melbourne, while the one at the Croatian Consulate in Perth opened at 1 a.m. Croatian time on Saturday, Kontrec said, adding that 2,800 voters had registered to vote in Australia.

The one polling station in Beijing opened at the same time as in Perth, while the one at the Croatian Embassy in Tokyo opened at midnight on Friday.

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, voting will take place at 42 more countries over Saturday and Sunday, in cities with Croatian diplomatic and consular missions where Croatian citizens who do not reside in Croatia will elect three of the 151 members of parliament.

There are 112 polling stations abroad, of which 45 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 11 in Germany, four in the US, three in Italy, and two in Serbia, Montenegro, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland and Canada each.

The last polling station to open will be in Los Angeles at 4 p.m. on Saturday Croatian time.

Almost 185,000 Croatians abroad have registered to vote in the election, the most in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (50,786). 
