Monday, 11 March 2019

Western Australian Croatian Chamber of Commerce Talks Medical Tourism and More in Perth

March 11, 2019 - Western Australian Croatian Chamber of Commerce had the great pleasure of hosting three amazing ladies from Croatia at an event held on the 7th of February at the International Convention Centre in Perth and in Melbourne, organized by the Victorian Croatian Chamber of Commerce, on the 13th February. 

The guests shared their insights into their entrepreneurial success in Croatia and provided an overview of the landscape of economic opportunities for Croatian enthusiasts, both in the homeland and those abroad.


"This has been one of the best presentations the Chamber has had in a long time," said Mr Graham Rakich, one of the founding members of the Western Australian Chamber of Commerce.

The topics included: Tourism outside of the box – destination weddings and events, as well as medical tourism in Croatia and access to EU funding for future projects in Croatia.

Ms Branka Ćubelić, who returned to her motherland five years ago from Perth, created Dreamtime Events in Split Croatia, an agency specialised in destination weddings and events. Being a small investor herself, she provided us with valuable examples of investors in tourism from the Diaspora.

"I'm so happy to be back home in Perth, the city I left in 2012 to live in Croatia. Croatia is a country full of opportunities for investing, especially in tourism. I'm particularly supporting young, up and coming women in business who are staying in the country and making a difference."



A fantastic presentation held by the young Ms Lucija Kraljičković, a true ambassador of medical tourism in Croatia, provided us with a fresh, new perspective on the country. Croatia is not only a beautiful country to have a holiday, but it is also a country full of health – ideal for having surgeries, treatment, rehabilitation or just to enjoy spa and wellness. Australians are discovering Croatia - a country with excellent medical professionals, hospitals, and clinics,  to get high-quality medical care at a more affordable price. With Treatigo, the agency Ms Kraljičković founded, Australians can come to Croatia for dental work, plastic surgery, and orthopedy surgery.

"We'll take care of you from start to finish so that you can have a fantastic experience. And even enjoy a holiday in Croatia!" says Lucija, a young Croatian businesswoman who's staying in Croatia and building a business in health tourism -  a fast-growing niche.

Tanja Kovačević also held a presentation surrounding the topic "How to assist Croatia and its Diaspora to access EU funding for future projects in Croatia."

To read more about the diaspora, follow TCN's dedicated page
