Friday, 5 August 2022

Porec Tourism Booming as 2 Million Overnight Stays Achieved Early

August the 5th, 2022 - Porec tourism is absolutely booming, with 2 million overnight stays having been achieved earlier than last year. While Istria has always been popular, this charming coastal city on the Istrian peninsula is making a massive name for itself and seeing this gorgeous part of Croatia emerge from the shadow of Dalmatia.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, this tourist season is seeing the entire country make a huge tourism comeback, recording better and better results. Porec tourism is doing excellently. This Istrian city is one of the country's most visited destinations and it has achieved two million overnight stays an entire month earlier than it did last year. Everyone hopes that the continuation of the summer season will remain as it is now, as reported by HRT.

"Porec tourism achieved a record three and a half million overnight stays back in the pre-pandemic year of 2019, and this year it seems as if the same is absolutely achievable," said Nenad Velenik, the Porec Tourist Board's director. He emphasised that Porec has defined itself as a 4 to 5 star destination, about 80 percent of the accommodation capacities are of this type and they fill up first. He added that earnings from tourism will be better than they were back in 2019, given that the tourist tax has increased.

Two million overnight stays in the City of Porec have been achieved earlier this year than they were last year, when the same figure was only achieved at the end of August, which speaks volumes about just how successful this season has been and continues to be. It should be added that on August the 3rd of the record year 2019, that same number of two million overnight stays was reached.

Currently, 30,000 tourists are staying in Porec, and they are accommodated primarily in hotel accommodation, then in campsites, and then in private accommodation. The most frequent guests are Germans, followed by Austrians, Slovenians, Croats, Italians, and in sixth place are guests from the Czech Republic.

"We've come to 2019's level, the index is at 100. When we look at the fact that we have 700 beds less in our destination due to work on accommodation facilities, then we can really be satisfied with all of this. The result of all this is sport tourism. We combined public and private, tourism and sport and in this way extended the season,'' said the mayor of Porec, Loris Persuric.

"We encourage content in the pre-season and post-season where we still have opportunities for growth and development. This tourist season has shown that we definitely do have that potential. Back during the pre-season, we achieved a 30 percent better result than we did back in 2019," said Nenad Velnik.

With Porec tourism booming, they don't plan to stop there. Investments will continue to be made in the city's infrastructure and cultural heritage. In Porec, they expect a good continuation of this situation throughout the month of August, and the announcements are excellent for the postseason as well.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.

Saturday, 16 July 2022

Porec Port Authority Close to Outdoing 2019's Number of Overnight Stays

July the 16th, 2022 - The Porec Port Authority is close to recording a number of overnight stays which outdoes the figures recorded back in the pre-pandemic, record year of 2019.

It seems that the vast majority of people have well and truly put the global coronavirus pandemic which stole two years of our lives behind them and tourism is returning like never before. Croatian tourism is finally recording enormous numbers and the nautical tourism sector is only continuing to blossom.

As Morski writes, the Porec Port Authority recently announced that the number of vessels on a transit connection there had increased by 16%, while recorded overnight stays increased by 22% when compared to the record year of 2019. The trend of the longer stays of vessels in Porec's ports was also noted.

In the current part of the year, the Porec Port Authority has recorded better results than back during the record year of 2019, meaning their income has jumped by 56%, which is partly the result of larger ships arriving and mooring in the Port of Porec.

As for international traffic, only 8% less was achieved during this part of 2022 than back during the same part of the year in 2019. The reason for this, according to the Porec Port Authority, is the quite significantly altered circumstances on the market in the post-pandemic period. They noted that international traffic was completely absent in 2020, while it only partially returned in 2021. The increase in the price of fuel, which significantly affects international traffic, as well as the more difficult and expensive entry into Venice, which is an area to which sailors from the Porec area also gravitated, also play a part.

In the Port of Porec, the flags of Italy, followed by Germany and Austria were the most numerous on moored vessels.

''We'd like to highlight that there has been an increase in the number of vessels anchoring here in comparison to the coast, while on the coast the number of passenger vessels on domestic cruises has increased with good announcements for next year when the Port of Porec could become the home-port for such increasingly popular cruises,'' said the director of the Porec Port Authority, Branko Curic.

The Porec Port Authority also stated that should be noted that one of the most famous offers of the Port of Porec has returned this year - the international line Porec-Venice line.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.
