Saturday, 29 May 2021

Croatian Printee Platform Reaches 270,000 Visitors in 7 Months

May the 29th, 2021 - As on-demand services become more and more important in the way we carry out our daily lives, the Croatian Printee platform has done well, reaching an impressive 270,000 visitors in just seven months.

As Ivan Tominac/Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the main feature of on-demand services across the world is to correctly and comfortably define convenience and accessibility at a time when we want precisely that.

The idea of ​​on-demand services also gave rise to the Croatian Printee platform, which brings together several internet retailers that offer unique products. Each trader on their platform uses a unique link and then sells whatever product has been chosen by the end user through their own online store.

In this way, the Croatian Printee platform has enabled sellers to, without starting and investing in their own store, have a place where their followers, fans and customers can find their products. In that way, they are closer to the average customer, and Printee's online design program Uneekat allows each person to print their desired design, photo or some other, third idea.

This different concept was discussed with Ivan Krajinovic, one of the founders of the idea and co-founder of the innovative Croatian Printee platform.#

‘’It's a place to connect all those who sell their unique “merch” and those who want to buy those products, all the people who want to buy a product from their favourite author, influencer or designer. Printee's business model is based on a just-in-time production model - in our case it regards printing on various products (T-shirts, canvas bags, etc.) at the moment when the customer orders the product,'' explained Ivan Krajinovic.

Printing on demand has been developing around the world for about five years, and it has been talked about in Croatia since pandemic-dominated 2020. Although everything is still completely new, it didn't scare off these two students, Ivan Krajinovic and Zdeslav Markoc, and they turned their idea into action.

Back in June 2020, they secured an investment of 50,000 euros from Fil Rouge Capital, and their idea was supported by Katarina Guja, who is today the director of this young Croatian startup.

In the meantime, they were joined by Anja Milkovic, who is engaged in marketing, and graphic artist Renata Tremski. Today, there are a total of five of them, just enough for the idea to keep on rolling. ‘

''Our story started to be written when my colleague Zdeslav and I met at the student association Ekonomska klinika (Economic clinic). We started working together on projects to promote entrepreneurship and financial literacy, and soon ran for management positions within the organisation. We simply "clicked" and realised that we can count on each other in both life and entrepreneurship.

The story of the Croatian Printee platform wouldn't be complete without our co-founder Katarina who with her expert knowledge, mentorship and work helps Printee succeed. We met Katarina while volunteering at the LEAP Summit, where she is the head of the agenda and finances,'' Krajinovic added.

Both founders of the idea were "persecuted" by the idea of ​​making something of their own in life and leaving a legacy that will create added value. It was never a question of whether they would enter the often challenging waters of entrepreneurship, but rather a mere question of time. In the end, they did, and in that, they add, volunteering helped them out the most, and the big advantage of this startup is the Printee community.

The Croatian Printee platform successfully brings together several dozen well-known Croatian and foreign individuals that attract their own respective audiences to their platform, and among them stand out some foreign entrepreneurs in Croatia like Dutchman Jan de Jong, writers like Bruno Simlesa and many other names.

In order to reach an audience and as such potential customers, they use all social media that are common in Croatia, and they try to promote themselves through participation in projects, panels and the like. Given that the platform itself was launched just seven months ago, 270,000 visits to their site in that relatively short time period alone means they know what they're doing.

''Anyone who wants to start their own business in this form, ie start selling their own products on our site, can become a creator. The process is very simple and painless for anyone who wants to sell things, and after all, it doesn't matter that you have experience in design, since Renata can turn all ideas into action. In addition, it is important to emphasise that the process is free and we don't charge any access fees or anything like that. We give an opportunity to everyone who is willing to invest in themselves, and in the end, the more you invest in yourself, the more you earn.

The Croatian Printee platform takes care of everything, from the first contact, making the design, setting up the store, IT and customer support to the final contact with customers and even product delivery,'' concluded the co-founder of the Printee platform, Ivan Krajinovic.

For more, follow Made in Croatia.
