Friday, 4 June 2021

Croats Spend About HRK 6.75 Bn on Trips in 2020

ZAGREB, 4 June 2021 - Croatian citizens made half as few private and business trips of several days in 2020 than in 2019 due to the pandemic, on which they spent 57% or HRK 5.4 billion less, and they spent HRK 1.35 billion or 60% less on one-day trips, show data from the national statistical office (DZS).

The data from the DZS on the tourist activity of the population in 2020 show that 62.4% of the Croatian population did not make private trips of several days and as many as 95.3% did not make business trips, which was mostly due to the pandemic and uncertainty about health.

Last year, 1.3 million Croatian citizens made trips, a million of them made trips in Croatia, while others either made trips abroad or both, and an equal number of trips were made by men and women.

In 2020, a total of 3 million private and business trips of several days were made, down 50% compared to 2019, 19.5 million overnight stays were generated, down 40%, and HRK 5.4 billion was spent, down 57%.

Most of those trips, 2.8 million, were private, down 55% from 2019, and HRK 4.6 billion was spent on them (down 50%).

Business trips of several days saw an even sharper drop due to the pandemic, with only 216,000 made in 2020, down 74% from 2019, and HRK 703 million was spent on them (down 77%). The number of business trips made in Croatia dropped by 62% and the number of those made abroad fell by 85%.

Croatian citizens made 3,9 million one-day private and business trips in 2020, down 50% from 2019, and they spent HRK 1.35 billion on them (down 60%).

Of that total expenditure, HRK 1 billion was spent on one-days trips in Croatia, which accounted for most of the one-day trips made, or 3.3 million.

 For more on news in Croatia, check TCN's dedicated news page.
