Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Split City Council Chair Says City Council To Be Dissolved

ZAGREB, 26 April 2022 - Split City Council president Jakov Prkić said on Tuesday, after the Council could not hold a session due to a lack of quorum, that the incumbent council would no longer hold meetings and that the Justice and Public Administration Ministry would launch activities to dissolve it and call an early election.

"There was a lack of quorum at today's session, the seven deputies from the Centre party have in the meantime resigned, which means that the present Council will no longer hold meetings," Prkić said.

He added that even though he could try once more to convene the City Council, he would not do so due to a lack of quorum following the resignation of nine HDZ councillors on Monday and the resignation of seven councillors of the Centre party today, which constitutes a majority in the 31-seat council.

The three deputies of the opposition Bridge party in the City Council today tendered their resignations as well.

Prkić said that once the Split City Council was dissolved, the government would appoint a commissioner who would ensure the Council performs the minimum necessary activities.

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