Saturday, 30 January 2021

New Chinese Shipment of Coronavirus Protective Gear Arrives in Croatia

ZAGREB, 30 January, 2021 - The ship Xin Tian Jin arrived in the northern Adriatic port of Rijeka on Saturday with 88 tonnes of protective gear from China, which will be used in further efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, the Croatian government said.

The shipment includes 151,200 swab kits, 500,000 FFP3 face masks and 480,000 protective suits. As in previous cases, the protective gear was purchased from the Chinese companies MEHECO and Sinopharm.

The value of today's shipment is $1,982,560.

Next week, the equipment will transported to the civil protection logistics centre in Jastrebarsko, about 30 kilometres southwest of Zagreb, from where it will be distributed to the coronavirus response authorities.

Saturday, 27 June 2020

New Shipment With Protective Equipment Arrives From China

ZAGREB, June 27, 2020 - A new shipment with around 194 tonnes of protective medical equipment has arrived in the port of Rijeka from China aboard the Maersk Huacho vessel, the government has said.

The equipment includes goggles, uniforms, and gloves which the government has bought from the MEHECO company.

The value of the shipment is around $10.2 million. The latest purchase, too, was fully financed from the European Regional Development Fund which has so far granted Croatia around €50 million for the procurement of protective equipment to fight the novel coronavirus.
