Thursday, 9 December 2021

Could Croatian Real Estate Records Project Increase Utility Fee Revenue?

December the 9th, 2021 - The Croatian Real Estate Records project could bring in a steady increase in earmarked revenues from utility fees by as much as 20 to 50 percent. Multiple places across Croatia have already begun implementing such databases.

As Novac/Barbara Ban writes, the advanced technological solution within the Croatian Real Estate Records project (ENA) could see some considerable cash flow in, and creating an accurate database of real data has been implemented in twenty municipalities and cities across the country already. Prehnit has its signature on the ENA methodology and says that they are among the leading Croatian companies in the field of expert consulting in the planning and implementation of geographic information systems (GIS) and the development of IT business solutions and software applications.

As they explained, the Croatian Real Estate Records project is a project of establishing GIS real estate/property records in order to increase revenues from the collection of utility fees based on aerial surveys and field work. By implementing this project, the actual condition of the areas and the purpose of the facilities is determined, and a fair and transparent collection of utility fees can be achieved. The result of joint work with various cities and municipalities is done digitally and is relatively easily maintained in the form of structured real estate records, which is why more and more local government units across Croatia are asking for help from Prehnit in conducting their own spatial analyses, they point out.

''The completion of the Croatian Real Estate Records project is expected to increase revenues from utility fees for housing and garage space by 20 to 50 percent, which shows the extent to which innovative technological tools, IT solutions and geographic information systems can contribute to much better asset management. As such, we provide insight into the real situation with the help of digital and interactive maps, and we're primarily focused on local government units and private companies which are seeking to effectively manage their portfolios,'' they stated from Prehnit.

The preparation of real estate records for the Municipality of Zminj is one of Prehnit's most significant ENA projects to date. The main goal was to improve the collection of utility fees at the level of local self-government and offer a proper insight into the real situation through digitised data, and ultimately the Municipality of Zminj achieved an increase in recorded living space and garage space of 50 percent throughout the entire municipality.

"By implementing the Croatian Real Estate Records project, we gained insight into up-to-date data for quality digital asset management. Based on the conducted measurements and insights into the actual state of the data, we've qualitatively considered all aspects and obtained a quality basis for making a decision to calculate the collection of utility fees.

The increase in registered space within the project resulted in an increase in earmarked revenues from utility fees for housing and garages of as much as 60 percent, and the value of the entire project was paid off within months of a permanent increase in revenues from utility fees,'' said Zeljko Plavcic of the Municipality of Zminj.

Prehnit was founded back in 2009, and in the last few years it has developed into a respectable GIS and IT company that provides support services in digital business transformation through IT solutions based on data science, taking into account the geographical component of that data. It advises clients on how they can create the architecture of the entire system including business processes, data collection, processing and the analysis and automation of business processes through specific IT solutions tailored to user needs through the visualisation of spatial data using an interactive smart digital map.

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