Thursday, 18 November 2021

Several Thousand People Participate in Commemorative March in Škabrnja

ZAGREB, 18 Nov 2021 - Several thousand people from all over Croatia and neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina on Thursday participated in a commemorative march in Škabrnja marking the 30th anniversary of the massacre that occurred in the town in Zadar's hinterland.

A government delegation comprising ministers Ivan Malenica, Marija Vučković, Vili Beroš, Nina Obuljen Koržinek, and Oleg Butković attended the commemoration.

Minister Butković said that he comes to Škabrnja every year because he is emotionally connected to that area through family ties. 

He added that everyone today feels pride and gratitude to all the victims.

Thirty years have passed. Time goes quickly but the wounds do not heal. I hope that we will altogether build a better Croatia and do everything so that we can live better but also for something like this to never occur again, said Butković.

He thanked everyone who participated in the march given "the epidemiological conditions." "I see a lot of people and it is nice to see that we will remember and pay homage to the victims of Škabrnja together," he said.

He added that he believes that the prosecutorial authorities will do everything for all those who committed this horrific massacre to be brought to justice. "There is no alternative to that so I believe that this area will have its turn before Croatian institutions for which Croatia defenders died and which we believe are functioning," said Minister Butković.

Culture Minister Nina Obuljen Koržinek said that "remembering all the victims of Vukovar and Škabrnja today and their huge sacrifice, we all have to build a better, happier and more successful society with great respect and responsibility."

Zadar Archbishop Želimir Puljić celebrated Mass for the Homeland in Škabrnja and recalled the war victims of the town but also of Vukovar and called on the faithful to not allow their future to be left to lackadaisical mood and hopelessness.

"Defenders fell for the Homeland's freedom so that we can duly and honestly build it," underscored Puljić.

"May the Croatian people grow and progress in peace, harmony mutual tolerance, and love. May their hearts not burn out and may their cradles not be empty. May everyone in the homeland have sufficient work and bread, justice, peace, and happiness," said Puljić.

For the latest news about Croatia, click here.

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Remembrance Day March Passes Through Vukovar

ZAGREB, 18 Nov 2021 - Several tens of thousands of citizens from around Croatia and neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina marched through Vukovar to commemorate the war victims of Vukovar on the 30th anniversary of the city's fall into the hands of the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) and Serb paramilitaries.

Veterans' Minister Tomo Medved said that arrivals in Vukovar awakened emotions every time.

"We express our gratitude to our courageous defenders and in a special way pay homage to the victims who were taken from the hospital to the Ovčara farm, to all our POWs, people who were taken to Serb concentration camps. The thing that is very important, is that today is a day when emotions are present to that measure, on the other hand, we have to work throughout the year for society to have appropriate relations towards Croatian defenders and the victims of the Homeland War, said Minister Medved.

Kata Zadro, the widow of legendary defense commander of the Trpinjska cesta street, Major General Blago Zadro who was killed in 1991, also marched in Vukovar on Thursday. "Vukovar today looks very nice. When I was here before the peaceful reintegration I couldn't find my own street or my house, given the way the city looked like then. Today, everything is renewed but it bothers me because there is no harmony or unity," she said.

According to Vukovar's defense commander Branko Borković, the Vukovar episode is not over because the perpetrators have not been punished yet.

"There are many open wounds. Many mothers, children, grandchildren are still searching for their loved ones. That means a very large number who still have not been found. That is a huge burden that not only burdens us all but is an obligation for the state authorities, regardless of their political background to insist and fight for that," said Borković.

Lyliane Fournier also attended the march. Fournier is the mother of a French volunteer Jean-Michel Nicolier, who was one of the victims taken from the Vukovar hospital and killed at the Ovčara farm.

"I am filled with emotion. We are waiting for the state prosecutor to finish the procedure and to conduct an investigation, to indict my son's murderer. All we have now is a decision by the court in Osijek. I am surprised with how many people are so kind to me and how many people remember my son," she said.

Flag bearers were at the helm of the march carrying the flags of Croatia army units including Croatian historical units dressed in historical uniforms.

As the procession passed in front of the building of Croatian Radio Vukovar, its staff played the last report by its wartime reporter Siniša Glavašević who was killed at the Ovčara farm on 20 November 1991 along with 199 other victims.

Similar to previous years, the country's top officials, President Zoran Milanović, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković, and Prime Minister Andrej Plenković attended the procession.

They were accompanied by several cabinet ministers, members of Parliament, representatives of political parties, and many public figures, like Vukovar Mayor Ivan Penava, Vukovar-Srijem County Prefect Damir Dekanić, and numerous other mayors and county prefects. Zagreb Mayor Tomislav Tomašević was also seen at the march.

The Bosniak member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Šefik Džaferović, also participated in the commemorations and laid a wreath at the Memorial Cemetery.

After the march, numerous delegations laid wreaths and lit candles in honor of the victims of the Homeland War.

Holy Mass was celebrated by Zagreb Auxiliary Bishop Ivan Šaško.

The city on the River Danube was under siege for 87 days, and the battle for Vukovar ended on 18 November 1991 with its occupation, which lasted until 15 January 1998 and the peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danube region, after which the people of Vukovar finally returned to their homes.

For the latest news about Croatia, click here.

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Tens of Thousands of People Attend Vukovar Remembrance Day Procession

ZAGREB, 18 Nov 2021 - Tens of thousands of people joined the commemorative procession in the eastern Croatian city of Vukovar on Thursday to pay their respects to the defenders and civilians killed or gone missing at the start of the Homeland War in 1991.

The country's most senior officials, President Zoran Milanović, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković, and Prime Minister Andrej Plenković attended the procession. They were accompanied by several cabinet ministers, members of Parliament, representatives of political parties, and many public figures.

The procession passed through the main street near the city landmark, the Water Tower, which now serves as a memorial center. During the war, it was damaged by 640 mortar shells.

As the procession passed in front of the building of Croatian Radio Vukovar, its staff played the last report by its wartime reporter Siniša Glavašević who was killed at the Ovčara farm on 20 November 1991 along with 199 other victims.

As the procession walked through the city, the bells of St. Phillip and Jacob's church rang the entire time.

Upon arriving a the Memorial Cemetery, the state delegations laid wreaths and lit candles in tribute to the war victims, while a memorial Mass was celebrated by Zagreb Auxiliary Bishop Ivan Šaško.

For the latest news about Croatia, click here.
