Monday, 9 May 2022

Tripadvisor Ranks Rijeka Market Among 10 Most Attractive Sights in City

May the 9th, 2022 - Tripadvisor has ranked Rijeka market among the top ten sights to see when paying a visit to this increasingly popular Kvarner city along the Northern Adriatic coast.

As Morski writes, over more recent years, the City of Rijeka has become increasingly popular as an urban tourist destination, seeing it attract more and more visitors from all over the world, which simply wasn't the case a decade or even five years ago. One of the favourite locations in this city is Rijeka market, which the famous tourism and travel portal Tripadvisor has ranked among the ten most attractive sights to see in all of Rijeka.

A wide variety of colours, tastes and smells - Rijeka market... placa, pjaca - is a favourite destination of many Rijeka locals, as well as for an increasing number of tourists. An unavoidable stop for them, of course, is the fish market.

Fish and seafood were once sold outdoors, and the first fish market was built in the second half of the 19th century. Today's fish market, where many are happy to buy produce from and frequently return to, was built back in 1916 and is the work of architect Carlo Pergoli, as reported by HRT.

''Pergoli pointed out his fondness for the Viennese secession in arranging the interior of this building, it's a very interesting fact that this building even had electricity back at that time,'' explained Marta Polic from the Public Relations Department of Rijeka Plus.

Rijeka market, which in addition to its wildly popular fish market includes two pavilions of a recognisable green colour, is a protected cultural monument. Tourist guides often include this location in guided tours of Rijeka and it has regularly been described as an atmosphere that is rarely encountered in any other similar location.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.
