Friday, 22 July 2022

Slovenia Fire Near Croatia: Under Control, 1 Dead, Winds Expected

July 22, 2022 - The Slovenia fire near Croatia is now under control, though strong winds are expected in the afternoon. The latest update. 

In the Slovenian Kars region, along the border with Italy, they are still fighting the fire that claimed the first victim last night, a civil defense member who died on the Italian side, reports

The Slovenian army still helps firefighters today
The Slovenian army is still of great help to firefighters. They are assisted by three large Bell 412 helicopters and a Pilatus PC-6 aircraft. In addition, neighboring countries are helping Slovenia again - Serbia and Hungary provided two firefighting helicopters, and Austria provided one.

Thick smoke is rising from the fire site in many places, but firefighters reassure people and say nothing is burning there.

Strong winds are expected in the afternoon; firefighters are afraid of the fire spreading
Although firefighters have the fire under control now, they are concerned about the weather forecast as stronger winds are expected again in the afternoon, which could spread the fire.

Airplanes and helicopters will help the firefighters on the ground today. The fire will have to be put out until the first heavy rain. If there is no rain for a month, the firefighters will have to be on the ground the entire time.

Veterinarians save animals from fires
In addition to members of the civil defense and firefighters, field veterinarians who help protect domestic animals and look for temporary shelters for animals in villages where the evacuation of the population has been ordered also participate in interventions due to fires in the Kars area, writes Delo.

According to Samuel Kosmač, the biggest problem is a barn with about 20 dairy cows and calves on a farm in the village of Temnica, from where the locals were evacuated yesterday morning. In the afternoon, the general danger alarm was turned on again. Firefighters tried to protect residential and commercial buildings from the fire.

According to an Ajdovo veterinary clinic veterinarian, the field veterinarian should have ordered the animals to be moved to a barn in the neighboring village, but there are no dairy cows there. The interlocutors interviewed by Delo journalists say that it would be best if part of the firefighters stayed in the village and protected the barn and the animals.

The Food Safety Administration did not provide detailed information on how domestic animals are cared for and rescued at fire sites.

The Slovenian Prime Minister announced compensation for volunteer firefighters 
Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob announced on the 24ur Zvečer program that the government intends to recognize compensation for volunteer firefighters who put out fires in the Kars area.

"We were aware of some anomalies in the firefighting system, and we will most likely pass a measure tomorrow at the correspondence session of the government according to which, after the activation of the state plan, we will recognize compensation for all volunteer firefighters. We will also change the law on firefighting, or we will regulate that part of the law. Before that, we will provide compensation to the firefighters fighting the fires in the Kars area to at least show the state's gratitude," said Golob, who had previously stated that Slovenia will be more prepared for the next fire season when it comes to aerial extinguishing because he believes that is now too dependent on solidarity aid from neighboring countries.

500 firefighters continue to fight the fire in the Kars region
Firefighters continue to fight the fire in the Kars area today, because a fire broke out near Cerje late on Thursday afternoon. The night was difficult for everyone who fought the fire in the mountainous region.

The fire line towards Trstelje is still active.

"The fire is under control."
The fire line is still active, and a lot of fire and smoke can be seen on the Italian side of the border, which is why 500 firefighters were active during the night. "The fires are under control," announced the Northern Coast fire station commander.

A civil protection volunteer died in the fire on the Italian side
Italian media reported that civil protection member Elena Lo Duca (56) died during an investigation on the Italian side of the burned area.

According to local Italian media, Lo Duca was conducting an investigation and was crushed by a burnt tree. Lo Duca was a policewoman who also volunteered for civil protection.

The Chief of Police in Prepott, Lamberto Giannini, pointed out that this tragic event saddened the entire police force.

"The great enthusiasm Elena put into her work will always be an example to all. I express my condolences on behalf of all the men and women of the state police for this difficult loss of the family," said Police Chief Giannini.

The big fire on the Slovenian Kars near the border with Italy is not calming down, as evidenced by the dramatic stories of the locals who describe the situation as "desperate" while trying to save "what can be saved" with the firefighters.

The fires in western Slovenia have been going on for the fifth day, and the most destructive fire that spread from Italy two days ago has destroyed more than two thousand hectares so far.

Firefighters from most of the country were engaged in extinguishing the biggest fire in the history of Slovenia, and Italy, Croatia, Austria, and Slovakia sent helicopters and Canadairs to help.

For more breaking news in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Future Slovenian PM Wants Good Relations With Croatia

ZAGREB, 27 April 2022 - In his first media interview after winning Slovenia's parliamentary election on Sunday, prime minister-elect Robert Golob said on Wednesday that the new government will strive to develop good neighbourly relations with everyone including Croatia.

In the interview with RTV Slovenia televised late on Tuesday night, Golob said that there is no need for any uneasiness following the election with regard to outstanding issues with Croatia. He reiterated that the arbitration agreement is certainly "an anchor" from which not one Slovenian government "can back out of and we too do not have that intention."

"I do not think there is any reason for uneasiness. Naturally, we will try to foster good neighbourly relations with everyone, including Croatia. However, our policy will be a little more involved in seeking a consensus and less on solo opinions of any individual," said Golob who accused outgoing prime minister Janez Janša of going it alone with regard to the EU's common foreign policy and on the international front.

Golob said that he expects the new government to start working in June and as he said, the new government will include a wide circle of experts regardless of their party affiliation.

With regard to removing the wire fence on the border with Croatia, Golob said that the first thing to do is to form a government "because the wire fence was erected by a government decision and it will be up to the government to remove it."

"I am counting on the possibility of removing it during the summer, however, some procedures take longer than we would like. In any case, I'm an optimist and believe that that will be one of the first concrete steps we will face during the summer," said Golob.

With regard to the national plan, his government intends to embark on preparing measures and reforms needed to deal with the energy crisis that could emerge in the autumn and also to prepare measures related to healthcare in case of a new wave of the COVID pandemic.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated politics section.
