Sunday, 26 June 2022

Three Reasons to Visit the Croatian Adriatic Coast in September

June 26, 2022 - Summer has just arrived and in what could be called the first year back to normal since the pandemic began, and the country is preparing for a big wave of tourism in the next two months. But have you thought about September as the ideal time to visit the Croatian Adriatic coast? Here are three reasons you should. 

Ferries everywhere, parties along the coast, film and music festivals, Instagrammable landscapes, and much more. There is no better time to visit the Croatian Adriatic coast than in the height of summer... or is there?

It is not a secret that many seek to anticipate the high season, or wait a bit for it to pass. Before the pandemic began, months like May, June, September, or October attracted many tourists from abroad and there was no shortage of flights arriving at Croatian airports. Unfortunately, the situation in recent years has forced many to focus their efforts on July and August, due to the uncertainty caused by travel restrictions in Europe.

However, it is almost impossible to deny that the situation seems to have finally reversed. After two difficult years, travel restrictions to Croatia are almost non-existent. Although the current Russian invasion of Ukraine has also generated a great deal of uncertainty for companies linked to tourism, as well as for tourists themselves, the Ukrainian resistance and the progressive retreat of the Russian invasion seem to offer a more positive outlook.

If you don't feel like visiting the Croatian Adriatic coast in the high season or you're still not sure when to book your tickets and accommodation, here are three reasons why you should consider September as a good month to travel to Croatia.

Fewer crowds

It is not an accident, nor a miscalculation. Not a single space to lie on the beach, you have to wait to walk through the narrow streets in the old towns, no tables available at restaurants, sold-out tickets for ferries... July and August are crowded months all over the Croatian Adriatic coast, and for many, this is not very pleasant. In September, however, you will notice how the beaches begin to empty and the number of tourists in the coastal cities and on the islands begins to decline week after week.

Many returning to work, young people preparing to go back to university, and the little ones are back at school... the holidays are over! And this is where yours begin, without crowds. 


Photo: Mario Romulić

Hot, but not too hot

By the time this article was written, weather forecasts anticipate temperatures above 33 degrees for the last week of June. Although there is a heat wave that will hit much of the region, temperatures between July and August on the coast average between 29 and 32 degrees, and do not drop below 24 degrees at night. This may not be so bad for some, such as those who come from cold or sea-less countries, as they can take full advantage of the freshness of the Adriatic Sea.

However, there are others who can feel really hit by the strong heat, and it is totally valid to avoid places with very high temperatures, as it can be even dangerous. In September, the weather is still very pleasant to take a dip in the sea and there is even no need to bundle up at night, because during the day the maximum temperature averages between 25 and 26 degrees, while at night it can drop to 18 degrees. And not only is it good to go to the beach without fear of burning, but September is also a good month to visit the National Parks without a crushing sun to stop you.


Photo: Mario Romulić


Perhaps the first two can be reasons that one can anticipate, but when it comes to prices between July and August, things can be very unnerving. Landlords raising their prices at the last minute, taxi drivers charging fortunes from here to there, or tickets to certain places of interest at an exorbitant cost, visiting Croatia in the high season can give one goosebumps when it's time to do the maths. Some say it's fair, others say it's scandalous, but the truth is that many will raise their eyebrows after seeing the prices of accommodation, ferry tickets, or the taxi meter.

You can already see the prices in September, and the difference is noticeable almost immediately. While they are not as low as in April or October, when you consider that there will be fewer crowds and the weather will still be spectacular, prices in September are surely a bargain.


Photo: Mario Romulić

For more on travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Monday, 30 August 2021

Croatian September Tourism Looking Good as Post-Season Approaches

August the 30th, 2021 - The Croatian September tourism picture is looking promising according to current announcements, with a favourable epidemiological picture continuing and with the cooler post-season rapidly approaching.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, September is just around the corner and cooler weather is finally approaching as summer begins to wind down. Despite this, the season goes on and the Croatian September tourism announcements are very encouraging indeed.

With ferries which connect Split to the surrounding islands full, especially on the way back to the mainland, things don't appear to be slowing down in Dalmatia.

"As for leaving the mainland, there's a little less pressure than we're used to so far, but we can't say the season is over. Slowly, passengers are still arriving in a somewhat slower rhythm, but they're coming,'' said Jelena Ivulic from Jadrolinija.

As for the ferry to the Italian port of Ancona, more tickets are being purchased as travellers from across the Adriatic is neighbouring Italy end their traditional ferragosto, writes N1.

A young married couple from France have been cycling from northern Europe to the south since the beginning of August, and the icing on the cake, they say, is Croatia.

"If I had a second chance, I think I'd choose another period. In August there's heavy traffic and a lot of people. It’s really hard for us on bikes. Now we're going to Vela Luka, we will tour the island with our bicycles. It will be nice, there's less traffic and we hope for some sun,'' said Philip.

At Split Airport, a similar situation as the one with the ferry port can be seen. In August alone, this airport recorded over 400 thousand passengers, which exceeded the results from the previous July. This weekend, however, departures are taking over that previous figure.

"We have a constantly higher departure at this time of year, which is traditional, but the arrivals that are still coming into the country can't be denied.'' said Mate Melvan from Split Airport who is seeing for himself what the Croatian September tourism picture is likely to look like.

As some leave the country and others arrive, landlords renting out their private/family accommodation facilities can finally rub their palms together and breathe a sigh of relief after such hardships caused by the pandemic and the epidemiological meaures. Split's renters are optimistic and have hopes for the continuation of the post-season too.

Of course, the epidemiological situation and the vaccination rollout not only here in Croatia but across the rest of Europe and the world remains key for tourism, but the fact is that we have, somewhat unexpectedly, approached the result from the record pre-pandemic 2019, which very few could have ever predicted.

For more, make sure to follow our travel section.
