Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Sinj Alka Candidates Chosen Tomorrow

Having only trained in the fields of Sinj, the candidates for this year’s Sinj Alka competition will be presented tomorrow at the official racetrack in Sinj for the first time this year.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

A New Museum and Gallery Brochure for Sinj

The Tourist Board of Sinj has prepared a brochure for the museums and the galleries on offer in Sinj. The brochure is called Three Museums, Galleries, one city of Sinj (Tri muzeja, galerija i jedan grad Sinj).

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Jazzbina: A New Pub Opening in Split Tomorrow

Yet another new pub will be gracing Split with its presence, as tomorrow we welcome you to enjoy Jazzbina.
