Saturday, 29 February 2020

Skraping Pasman: 15th Edition in Less Than One Week!

February the 29th, 2020 - The much loved Skraping is coming back for its fifteenth edition on the picturesque island of Pasman - and it's right around the corner.

The little township of Tkon on the island of Pasman is extremely busy these days, just one week before Croatia’s most recognisable, original trekking race is set to take place. Like every year so far, it happens on the first Saturday of March.

''Skrapa'' is the colloquial name for cliff or rock along an indented sea coast, and the verb was coined to illustrate the essence of this unique race.

Originally, Skraping was conceived as a recreational event that would not only challenge amateurs in need of a test of their physical form and competitive spirit, but primarily as an event that would give the otherwise peaceful and calm atmosphere of the island where almost nothing happens before the tourist season a little shake up.

Its originality and the genuine engagement of local enthusiasts have well and truly outgrown the initial idea behind Skraping. Skraping participants from many countries keep coming back, the fame of Skraping has spread worldwide with a wonderful result of its own - it has not only become Croatia’s biggest and most original trekking event, it has become an efficient promoter of Croatian tourism much before the real beginning of the tourist season.

Additionally, there are various events organised for the occasion throughout the whole week to mark the event, including music, fun and the traditional Fair of Island Products, a certified trade mark assigned to small family businesses from 24 Croatian islands that manufacture products made of ecological, locally grown ingredients.

If you're not quite up for hopping from one cliff to another while finding your way through groves and narrow dirt roads for some 45 kilometres, you are offered other options. The ''Challenger Race'’ is just 25 kilometres long, the ''Active Race'' is only 12 kilometres long with a good part of it allowing for a comfortable walk and some gorgeous panoramic views from several hilltops. And then there is the ''Family Race'' option, a leisurely walk and sightseeing for families with kids and pets. So, come on, you must be fit enough for at least one of these options! If you are, click here to register.


If you do go and you decide stay until the next day, you can assist a very, very special event that generally belongs to the category ''Cute!''. On Sunday morning, that is, some 150 children from several pre-schools in the area will zealously try to win the ''Skrapic'' (little Skraping) designed for the kids to add to their education about nature, the importance of leading a healthy life and to help stoke a competitive spirit. Just look at them!


All in all, more than 1500 active participants are expected for Skraping 2020. These are typically busy days, also traffic wise, but there are extended ferry lines from Biograd na Moru, about which you can learn here.

You can also leave your car in Biograd na Moru and avoid the fare, at the designated parking space of the Ilirija Hotels, right here.

So, there you go! Pack you backpacks and go and engage in something worth bragging about. Your friends (and especially people that don't like you!) will be impressed. And so will you, believe me!


For more on various events across Croatia, follow our dedicated lifestyle page.
