Saturday, 5 February 2022

8th Slavonski Brod Open Curling Championship held at Fortress for First Time

February 5, 2022 - A mighty crowd of Croatian curlers gathered again for Box of Čvarci, the 8th Slavonski Brod Open Curling Championship. 

One of the oldest in Croatia, the Curling club Legija from Slavonski Brod organized the Croatian curling tournament Box of Čvarci (Kutija čvaraka) - Slavonski Brod Open Curling Championship on Saturday, January 29, 2022, at the Brod Fortress ice skating rink, writes Ribafish.


The last time this competition was held was in 2015. Now, after the rink was removed from the city center, the tournament has returned close to where the first seven tournaments took place and was held at the incredible Fortress for the first time. 


It all started back in 2003 when Legija was founded in Slavonski Brod, and in 2009, the Slavonski Brod Curling Championship was held for the first time at the City Skating Rink in Klasije. Knowing well the appetites of the curlers, from the first day, it was better known as 'Box of Čvarci (Cracklings)' or 'Kutija čvaraka.'


After Legija came to life, CK Zagreb and CK Vis were founded, and CK Čudnovati čunjaš was born. They soon made a statute and played.


They first came to the Zagreb Fair for training and later to the first Croatian championship in Budapest, and history was written.


In the golden age of Croatian curling, there were over fifty players in both competitions. However, the best part was the atmosphere - happy people who love sports and entertainment, a series of serious games, and much more laughter and joy.



The clubs quickly realized that they would hardly have the best conditions. Thus, the first tournament was not held on ideal flat-ice conditions. Nevertheless, curling club Legija was named the winner. 


"Of course, we celebrated it worthy of winning the Champions League and promised that Brod is ours whenever the opportunity arises. And it was always wonderful, in the snow, rain, cold, heat, just like this Saturday in the beautiful sun and a good 15 degrees," commented RibaFish. 


"As much as the heat pleased us, she made a minesweeper board out of ice, making it challenging for the highest quality curlers. So we finished third out of eight teams, which is irrelevant compared to what we experienced again in Brod.




Eighteen years, our entire adulthood, we hang out, work hard, burn out, rejoice and grieve, and you have to experience it. The people of Brod bring you brandy, brew craft beers, sausages, peppers, and slice a ton of cured meat. A party that lasts eight hours, and you still have to be concise and precise enough, because it is very easy to break on the ice, I can tell you first hand," he added about the experience. 


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