Monday, 16 November 2020

Pametno and SIP Join to Form New Party Called Centre

ZAGREB, November 16, 2020 - The parliamentary opposition parties Pametno (Smart) and the Party with a First and Last Name (SIP) joined to form a single party, called Centre, at an online convention on Sunday, they announced in a statement on Monday.

The new party will not have a leader, but will be headed by four co-leaders - Dalija Oreskovic, Marijana Puljak, Marin Racic and Dario Carev.

The first unification of two political parties in Croatia on an equal footing is aimed at bringing together as many respectable individuals as possible to push for more civil liberties, less state influence on the economy and strong anti-corruption policies, the statement said.

The new party said it would prepare for local elections in May by offering a programme and candidates who can effect true change.
